Warhammer 40K MMORPG Game-Play Preview

Eternal Crusade Warhammer 40K MMORPG

Way back in June, a press release went out that there will be a Warhammer 40.000 MMORPG, called Eternal Crusade, at some point in 2015 (if things are on schedule). 2015 is, admittedly, long ways off. Still, Behaviour Interactive, the people making the game, recently previewed a bit of in-game footage (very early W.I.P of course) of the game.

Have a look!

#1 – Eternal Crusade Gameplay Footage

The video starts with a little tour around the office. It’s fun enough. If you want to jump straight to the game-play footage however, I recommend starting round about minute 3.00 or thereabouts.

#2 – Eternal Crusade Factions

Other bits and bobs about the game have been put out there about Eternal Crusade, including the playable factions. They are, unsurprisingly, a choice of Warhammer 40K stalwarts.

4 playable factions are:

Space Marines: Genetically modified super-soldiers created by the Emperor of Mankind to protect the Imperium of Man.

Chaos Space Marines: Space Marines who have fallen prey to the corruption of the Warp and seek the destruction of the Imperium.

Eldar: A dying race of mysterious beings from before the birth of mankind with a mastery of psychic powers.

Orks: Brutal, green-skinned hordes that seek war in all its forms.

#3 – Your Thoughts?

2015 is a long, long way off. Still, I’d love to hear from you.

  • What do you think about the idea of a Warhammer 40K MMORPG?
  • Is this looking like an approach you’d be interested in?
  • Would you have preferred something more “Dark Heresy”-style?

Leave a comment and let me know?




I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Hopeless painter and founder of Pins of War. I hope you enjoyed this article. Don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at www.pinsofwar.net.


Are Digital Edition Releases a Boon to Warhammer 40K? http://t.co/gz35CCP5ty #40k - 21 hours ago
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  • Chronosmaximus

    This was cancelled, if I am not wrong.

    • wolves in arms

      THQ were doing dark millennium mmo but they went bust earlier this year this is new and yes take my money

    • disqus_I1VIVQiPZK

      Also only the MMO Part of dark mil was cancled so supposedly they are still working on it as a normal game with competitive multiplayer, kinda like space marine

    • randornomicron

      It isn’t canceled.

  • pan

    Shut up and take my money!!!

  • Hive Senteniel

    I wonder if they could put some Nids in there. I’d love to run around as a Warrior or Genestealer/Broodlord :p

    • disqus_I1VIVQiPZK

      Hate to break it to ya but they have said nids will only be npcs used to keep the fighting between the factions even, i.e. if one faction gets too big or too powerful or controls too much territory the nids come in to weaken them

  • archied

    Is it just me, or did that really not look like an MMORPG? Looked more like an online shooter, could be an MMO shooter along the lines of planetside i guess.

  • mark j

    The game sounds good but the game play shown was from space marine online action by THQ.

    • disqus_I1VIVQiPZK

      Yeah I thought that too, I hope its a coincidence

  • Stormxlr

    Looks decent at best so far. They got Bolt guns wrong again, they made them machine guns rather than self propelled armor piercing mini rockets.