Poll: Best New Tyranid Miniature for Warhammer 40K

New Warhammer 40K Tyranid Codex

Wow. The new Tyranids are finally here!!

This one felt like a loooong time coming, given how some people expected the new Tyranid Codex in December already (and that particular rumour proved surprisingly contagious). Either way… they are here now, including as iBook pre-order (which usually has nice previews).

The Great Devourer has come, unleashing new monstrosities upon the battlefields of Warhammer 40K. And wow, these are some interesting new miniatures (though I don’t see any “Centurion-controversies” raging, luckily).

Have a look at the new Warhammer 40K Tyranid releases from Games Workshop and vote below to let me know which one you like best!

#1 – New Tyranid Releases

New Warhammer 40K Tyranid Releases – Video 1

New Warhammer 40K Tyranid Releases – Video 2

#2 – Poll: The Best New Tyranid Miniature

If you had a good long look at the new Tyranid releases from Games Workshop, have a go and leave me a vote below. Let’s see if we can find a clear favourite!

The Best New Tyranid Miniature Is?

View Results

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#3 – Thank You For Voting

I’ll keep my thoughts on the new miniatures for myself for a bit longer. As always, my “old” poll about a little 40K rules conundrum will stay live a few more days (frustratingly close, that one!)

Many thanks again for voting.

Leave a comment below to tell me what you voted and why!


Image: Tyranid Haruspex by Games Workshop


I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Hopeless painter and founder of Pins of War. I hope you enjoyed this article. Don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at www.pinsofwar.net.


@BadDice_Podcast Well, guess they could be on to something then? ;) - 2 hours ago
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  • DarkStarSabre

    I personally don’t see the Warriors as new. I appreciate the recut sprues but 80% is the same as before – we’re only getting ‘new’ Lash Whip and Boneswords…but I’ll rest on the Exocrine. Bout time Nids got something big and pokey.

    • http://pinsofwar.net/ Zweischneid

      Fair enough.
      It’s actually a surprisingly “small” release. If you discount the Warriors, it’s just three new boxes, though they obviously build a variety of (mostly massive) miniatures

      • DarkStarSabre

        Yeah. The worst bit? Hormagaunts and Termagants have BOTH become Direct Only – the 10 strong boxes have been phased out – only the online brood now. This means FLGS can’t order them in anymore…I really want to see the Codex though. I have a bad feeling about this small release…

        • Hive Senteniel

          From what the rumors say the Codex doesn’t seem much different but there are some SERIOUS improvements: Synapse creatures have EW, Tyranids now have a fast and powerful MC (Crone) too deal with those pesky shooting armies, MC points decrease and may even be able to take different options (if in a brood), Exocrine allows insane shooting potential (add with a Tyrannofex and we got serious firepower). Overall I think these are good changes. That’s without Warlord Traits and Psychic Powers which seem promising. I Hope this eases your tension good sir :p

          • DarkStarSabre

            Is EW confirmed? The Battle Report didn’t give a good indication as Tau have a surprising lack of ID and Monstrous Creatures aren’t the best thing to demonstrate..

          • Hive Senteniel

            I can’t say it’s been confirmed unfortunately. But I can say there’s a VERY good reason to believe it will be so. It won’t work like the 4th edition though and convey EW to other units, It’s just the synapse creatures themselves. As for the Bat-Rep yah, really wish it showed a normal functioning 40k game not Escalation but, hey gotta advertise those supplements I guess.

  • Yggdrasil

    I restrained from the rumours for this release, so I had high expectations for this release !

    And… I’m mildly disappointed by the new models, sadly…

    Talks about Haruspex / Exocrine had my memories of Epic come to the fore, so even though I knew they probably do a “rebuild”, I think they just look like upscaled Biovores :(

    The Flyers are quite 2-dimensional, and they don’t seem to be able to ever land (no small talons ? Come on), while their head just look like another Carnifex.

    As for the Guards, I do like their new guns, but I preferred the old version http://www.games-workshop.com/MEDIA_CustomProductCatalog/m490327_99060106042_TyranidTyrantGuardMain_445x319.jpg

    Until I see them “IRL”, I’m not really psyched about them… Too bad !

    (Voted “Hobbit release” for those reasons).

    • http://pinsofwar.net/ Zweischneid

      Not much I could disagree with. Tyranids (to me) has always been mostly about swarms of little guys, not “big monsters”

      That said, I quite like the crone. Fat or not, looks beastly (though the name “drool cannon” is gonna cause much eye-rolling again I would think ;) )

      • Hive Senteniel

        You’re right,the Tyranid swarm is mostly a what you say a huge pool of gaunts and rippers as well as warriors. But The Nids need the Big guys to do a lot of things they’re not suited for (fluff wise not just game wise). Not just smashing tanks but, blocking fire, breaking lines, and they excel at handling pretty much anybody because they do what MCs do best smash everything :)

        • http://pinsofwar.net/ Zweischneid

          I am not denying their effectiveness.

          Just saying that when I see people deploying a Tyrant, a Tervigon (which may spawn some stuff later), 3 Warriors, maybe now a Haruspex, and a Trygon in reserve it kinda doesn’t look like a “Nid army” to me.

          Old age showing and all, I suppose.

          • Yggdrasil

            Well, it’s not that I don’t like the BIG MONSTERS in Tyranid armies (like Hive Senteniel, I think they have both fluff & game purposes), I’m just not too fond of the new releases…
            I mean, if I was to start a Tyranid army now, I’d definitely buy a Hive Tyrant, a Carnifex or two, a Trygon, and most probably a Tyrannofex / Tervigon !

            I just think they could have done a better job with those new releases. When you see how 3-dimensional the Eldar Flyer is, or the Flying Hive Tyrant, why did they create such a “flat” bomber ? Though I have to agree, the Hive Crone looks better than the Harpy ;)

            As for the swarm issue, I guess it’s all about the players… Everything in the fluff describes large swarms surrounding a few large beasts, but I guess you can’t blame GW for allowing different themed armies (Nidzilla, Genestealers, Tervigons as Troops, etc…)
            As I’m a casual player anyway, I don’t really mind ;)

  • sgtbob

    im quite suprised at this release as i swear the nids got re done and done well along with necrons late 5th edition just before the 6th came out? im even more suprised at the lack of imagination with new nids they just look like a massive re hash of older models. there are armies still using pre historic models and rules that desperately need the time spent on it uhh hmm cough(orks) cough,needless to say countless others such as sob,imperial guard and dare i say it the gay knights too, albeit a nerfing.pleeeeeeeez guvna giv us nu shiney bitz!

    • http://pinsofwar.net/ Zweischneid

      In a way.. yes. It’s fast. Tyranids 5th Edition came out in January 2010. Now it’s January 2014. 4 Years on the nose.

      The only other time (I think) this happened was between Space Marines 4th Edition (November 2004) and Space Marines 5th Edition (October 2008).

      Probably inevitable. If GW keeps up the new fast release-schedule from 2013 for 2014, there’ll be more of those “short” turnarounds.

      • Yggdrasil

        True… I almost wanted to start an Ork Kill Team, then I saw the Codex on a shelf, and… *sigh*

  • Hive Senteniel

    I gotta say my favorite is the Hive Crone just because it’s pretty much flying Carnifex something all Nid players have dreamt of since the dawn of time :). The Exocrine/Haruspex are pretty cool too. My only disappointment is we didn’t really get an “Uber-unit”. I know it sounds a little demanding but I would have loved to see something like a mini Bio-Titan but oh well that’s just me being selfish.

  • Dylan Green-Sky Dugan

    Am I the only one who noticed that the Hive Guard/Tyrant Guard is $70?

    • Orden

      It is a kit I think. 3 dudes?

      • Dylan Green-Sky Dugan

        Yeah, thats true, but thats the price of a landraider for 3 models, and its not like they’re big or anything, they’re only a little bigger than terminators. At this point I’m just glad I picked up a bunch of the old ones a few months ago for like $10 a piece.

        • http://pinsofwar.net/ Zweischneid

          They also seem to come with A LOT of bits, Enough to equip all (!) ranged weapon options and all (!) close combat options on the three models.

          Similar to the Space Marine Centurions box. There’ll be a lot of bits, probably as much as 50% of the bitz in the box, you won’t use, if you just build 3 Guards with one type of weapons.

  • Dylan Green-Sky Dugan

    I think its interesting that Deathleaper, and Carnifex was moved to the HQ page on the games workshop website.