New Codex Sisters of Battle?

New Codex Sisters of Battle The big news are the new Dark Elves for Warhammer Fantasy.

Are they?

Look what was found in the latest White Dwarf!

Update: The digital Codex: Adepta Sororitas is now available on iTunes.

Codex Sisters of Battle

Codex Sisters of Battles


Absolutely no rumour-monger saw that one coming.

  • But is it the real thing? Or just a digital version of the ol’ 5th Edition White Dwarf Codex?
  • If the latter, why does it have Warlord traits?
  • A not-quite full-codex, not-quite White Dwarf update (if without miniatures by the look of it)?
  • Or is the entire thing a fake (it does talk of “Adeptus Sororitas”, not “Adepta Sororitas, curiously enough)?

What is your take? Leave a comment!




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  • BrianDavion

    I;’ve heard this mentioned before apparently it’s just supposed to be a reprint of the 5th edition codex. but still, if they’re gonna be giving warlord tables who knows how else it’ll be shifted


    I hope it’s for real. I almost feel sorry for the sisters. Also wouldn’t mind fielding them my self if GW would give them plastic kits already.

  • raek

    is digital codex and yes adeptus sororitas

    • Zweischneid

      Cool. Thanks for that.

      I can believe it now ;)

      • Lydran

        Yeah, but the Sisters are only called “Adeptus Sororitas” in the german version. The 2. edition codex above was called Codex: Sisters of Battle in english. But GW makes so many mistakes…
        Actually there were rumours about a re-release a few weeks ago. As a sisters player I will take a close look into the “new codex”.

        • Zweischneid

          Cool. Let me know what you think.

          I doubt I’ll get around to reading it as eCodex. I’ll actually look forward to taking a look at the Farsight book soon.

          Paper-based, one is very much forced to live behind the times these days.. ;)

        • Zweischneid

          Well, GW translates lots of English stuff into faux-Latin, instead of German, if they think it doesn’t sound as cool.

          Apothecary becomes Apothecarius, instead of Apotheker.

          Librarian becomes Scriptor, instead of Bibliothekar.

          So I can see, especially back in the day, GW translating Sisters of Battle into the faux-Latin designation (with or without mistakes) instead of trying some oddities like “Schwestern des Kampfes”, etc.

    • Chronosmaximus

      The Codex of old men looking at a skanky warrior nun.

  • Zweischneid

    Alright. Must’ve missed that. I apologize

  • Elodin

    The Codex isn’t good enough.

    The lack of plastic models is the real problem imo.

  • Hive Senteniel

    Its the Dark Elves guys… Their just getting your hopes up so they can enjoy watching your spirits shatter XD. But in all serious I’m really interested in this release and I hope Sister’s will eventually get their moment to shine with a legitimate 6th edition release.

  • btmcrae

    No rumor monger saw it coming? This was mentioned a while back.

  • Jeff

    I just have a real problem with how GW is doing codex’s lately. Throwing these out on digital with no new plastic models to back them up WTH?

  • Muwolf

    I find it strange that they would use the same artwork on the cover as the Inquisitor’s handbook from the Dark Heresy line from Fantasy flight.

    • Zweischneid

      It is strange, but not entirely unheard of.

      They did recycle the art from Blood Gorgons for the Chaos Space Marines Dex.

      And with this being a digital thing only, they may simply have gone the cheapest route possible.

      Of course, it still may be a fake, but most people seem to think this is genuine and a few people already have the White Dwarf. I’ve seen nobody saying out loud “I have the White Dwarf and this isn’t in it” … so far.

      • Muwolf

        Most of my FLGS get thier White dwarfs in today. So we will know if this true in i guess 12 hours or so.

        • Zweischneid

          Let me know when you do ;)

          • Lydran

            I’m just back from my local GW store and it is true. My dealer couldn’t find any more information like price, date or Operating system in the WD.
            But yeah – it’s really coming.

          • Zweischneid

            Cool. Thanks!

  • Martin O.

    Neither words are any ‘good’ Latin, but it should be Adepta Sororitas I think. It is certainly so in the new SM codex. Sororitas can be translated as sisterhood but it is really church Latin, not classical, and it is a word invented to stand next to Civitas and Fraternitas which means the lay people and the brotherhood. The bad Latin here is Adeptus which again is maybe more church Latin than classical. Adeptus would be an adept – person belonging to – so a female belonger could be Latinized as Adepta. However both words are nominative so that in itself is a mistake. Better would be Adepta Sororitatis which would be a female adept of the sisterhood.

    • Zweischneid

      Thanks. Some Latin courses for free.

      Admittedly, medieval church Latin would make a lot of sense, though I doubt that GW (much less in the early 90s) was that diligent.

      • Martin O.

        No, they were. It is 100% based on medieval church Latin from the Scholastic school. The modern difference between ‘church’ Latin and ‘classical’ Latin was not made until the reforms of Justus Lipsius and Erasmus of Rotterdam back in the late 1400s. The whole imagery in 40K and the attempts of a scholastic interpretation of science and technology by discovering and interpreting the ancients, mixed with religion and superstition, is a wonderful evocation of the medieval debates between the Dominicans and Benedicts.

  • Kenway

    i got my white dwarf early and its true but its for he ipad

    • Zweischneid

      Yeah. There probably will be a Kindle/ePub version too from BL later. That seems to be the common way they do it these days.

  • Double J.

    Matt Ward will f’ this up somehow. He does hate the Battle Sisters obviously.

    • Zweischneid

      How so?

      If I remember it correctly, it was Phil Kelly who threw all established 40K-fluff into the wind and had them shot out of the sky my his wolf-wolf-lord-wolf-claw-wolf-riding Marines for no good reason at all.

      Wouldn’t that technically make Space Wolves traitors? Shooting at Imperial Envoys without warning or need, unprovoked? I always wondered.

      • Jamie Sanchez

        Double J may be referring to the Grey Knight short story where the Emperor’s finest decided they needed the blood of sacrificial virgins to help them fight daemons. Possibly the most notorious piece of ‘snuff fiction’ written about the SoBs.

        • Zweischneid

          I don’t see that as any worse than the Space Wolves vs. Sisters thing by Phil Kelly.

          Quite the contrary, the Grey Knights one actually made sense. It showcases the great lengths the Knights go to to avoid corruption, and it brought some grim-darkness back to 40K.

          Phil Kelly’s Space Wolves shooting Sisters… just because, however, made no sense whatsoever.

          • Pendraco

            ….the Grey Knights are ALREADY uncorruptible. they killed a group of Battle Sisters who were uncorruptible because of their faith….HOW does that make sense?

          • Zweischneid

            Grey Knights are not incorruptible.

            Plenty of Grey Knight fail the final test, after all.

            What the Codex actually says is that not a single Grey Knight has been corrupted … so far!

            That’s the difference. Like an “unbeatable” sports team. The fact that they haven’t been beaten, haven’t been corrupted yet, is testimony to the extreme methods they are willing to go to.

            The Sisters event showcases this perfectly, hence why it fits the Grey Knights background perfectly (but is utterly pointless in the Space Wolves Codex, as it doesn’t even serve the fight against Demons).

            The Sisters event shows you why (!) not a single Grey Knight has been corrupted “until today”. The Sisters-event explains to you why Grey Knights are known to be “incorruptible”.

            Nothing in the Grey Knights Codex, however. precludes that in “the end times” of tomorrow, the first Grey Knight may well fall to Chaos if the Chapter grows lax.

  • Xander Weston

    Well we know they’ve changed it to ” Adepta Sororitas” at least now. I mean it says it on the Games Workshop army list (on the website). So that’s a good sign.

  • Fluffy the destroyer

    I just got my first newsletter from signing up to black library digital or whatever it was. sisters is out on the 19th, digital exclusive

  • Lorgalul

    If we look at games workshops website (UK) then they renamed the army in the 40k section. From sisters of battle, to Adebtus Sororitas. So in my eyes they are preparing a launche for the fabled and long forgotten sisters.
    Can’t wait.
    All hail the Emperor!

  • John Tinney

    Just purchased it.

    And wish I got my 33 dollars back.

    Its a large re-working of the WD sister list and many changes to the army hinder (in my opinion) the army’s ability on the table more so than the limited range of gear.

    • Zweischneid

      Well, I am glad to here it is a re-working at least, not a copy & paste. To bad to hear it is not much good. I have no Sister Models, so I doubt I pick it up anytime soon.

    • Lemarte

      agree, it’s trash

      • John Tinney

        I would not go so far to label it trash…. but i think it is a slightly more difficult army to use to its fullest potential

        In going over the book a little more closer, some of the point tweaks are very good (cheaper hand flamers/heavy flamers), some are so-so (slight increase in rhino points/decrease in immolator points) and the point change to Power weapons is not a good tweak…

        I’m not certain what I wanted past some cheaper special weapons and 5 sister units… but I know what I have gotten was not it.

  • Rob

    Yep, the new codex is garbage. I had intended to use the Sisters as an ally to my shooty guard. But they nerfed Uriah Jacobus so that he only has counter-attack and fearless. Really? He is now only useful in close combat! And he is USELESS in close combat!!!! Saint Celestine can now only revive once (if you’ve ever played with a SoB army you know she dies A LOT!!!!!). I feel cheated. I don’t know if I’m even going to be able to sell off the crappy SoB units I bought.

    • Alan Ashbourne

      I’d gladly take some Sisters off your hands if they’re even marginally cheaper than the stuff on GWs website.

  • Jamie

    To those that say it’s garbage? Have you tried using it yet? I just had a game with them and I think they preformed rather well, yeah some stuff got nerfed (mostly Celestine), but honestly, for her old point cost and what she could do, she was over powered.

    I’ll need to play more games obviously, but I can see this codex working well, it just means people can’t just use Celestine and easily win any game, now you have to actually balance the rest of your army.

    Personally I’m looking forward to using this new codex, especially the alter of war missions in it, those look like a lot of fun, and play into the strengths of the army.

  • Rob

    Yes, and the army plays very differently. Keep in mind I had been collecting units to fill gaps in my IG army as allies. The units they seemed to have boosted the most are the priests, and the biggest problem with priests is that they only have one wound! Same problem they have always had! They can try to take a trip in a Rhino to get close, but no more assaulting after exit, so they get to derp around through a shooting turn before they can do anything (with one wound, they are dead). All those points, and no way of getting them close. Seraphim are still useless, and even more so since their only use was to assign wounds away from Celestine. The Cannoness got a major boost, but I’m still confused on whether to use her as an assault or shooty support. Plus, to make her even close to what Jacobus was will make her way to costly to throw her away as an assault unit (which seems to be her intended use). BSS are still too weak and useless relative to their cost.

  • jon

    This codex is really quite bad, I believe I can say that as a sisters player through multiple editions.
    They really screwed the saint badly, yeah before she was really cheasy but that really could have been fixed with a points increase. She only gets up once now, still toughness 3 with no eternal warrior, her sword got worse (no more cutting wraithknights, and wraithlords, in half), and she costs 20 points more!
    Jacobus is nerfed just as bad, loses everything his kick ass banner did, and gets counter attack, and fearless within 12, and 5+ inv. for his squad whoo hoo, (cant make a squad of 20 girls, or ogryns for that matter an immovable brick anymore)
    Otherwise everything on the whole got a slight points increase/decrease in particular areas.
    Faith is sooo bad now you can only use faith points once per game and all of the faith points are worse, way worse. And if you want to use your faith twice youcan take a simulacrum for 10 points so there goes your slight points decrese, and if your simulacrum banner dies that squad cant use faith for the rest of the game even if you havent used it yet, great right!
    So it feels like gw got some interns to wright this one, it seems like they said lets make everything cost more points and drop about half of all the special abilities. it is a turd of a codex.
    The only thing i can say i look forward to is that sisters get an ACTUAL release sometime before 7th edition.