Rumours of Warhammer Fantasy Dwarves, an Expansions & 9th Edition

Warhammer Fantasy Dwarf Rumours

I hope everyone had a great hobby weekend!

Here’s a brief Monday morning update on some of the Warhammer Fantasy rumours that were floating around this weekend (and before).

Talks of a Warhammer Expansion, an update for Dwarves that – if these rumours are to be believed – will rival the massive two-month overhaul for Dark Elves, and tidbits on the expected (if GW sticks to their usual 4 year rotation) the 9th Edition of Warhammer Fantasy in 2014.

#1 - Triumph and Treachery – A Warhammer Expansion

Rumours of a new Warhammer Fantasy expansion via Faeit212.

Triumph and Treachery is an expansion that allows 3 or more players to battle upon the tabletop……. and in the end, there can be only one.

Its a hardcover expansion book, that comes with a deck of 36 game cards, 5 player turn cards, a pouch of game victory coins, a book with galleries, new artwork, examples of battles, and the rules for playing Triumph and Treachery with 3-5 players.

The cover of the book is a Dwarf fighting a Chaos Warrior in combat, with a Dark Elf Assassin sneaking in behind.

#2 – Warhammer Fantasy 9th Edition

More Warhammer Fantasy 9th Edition rumours via Faeit212.

  •  Warhammer Fantasy 9th Edition & new Starterset next Year
  • Starterset becomes “Expansion set” & Mailorder Only special Edition
  • Orks & Goblins first 9th editon Armybook

Starter Set of the 9th Edition Warhammer with following content

  • simplified Starter Rulebook

“Armies of Warhammer”, simplified Armylists for all

Orks and Goblins Army

  • Ork Warboss
  • New Goblinwarriors
  • Ork Warriors

Empire Army

  • Captain of the Empire
  • New Spearmen (new Design)
  • New Musketeers (new Design)
  • New Knights (new Design)

The Set becomes an Expansion with Magic as subject

  • Small Booklet with Magic Rules
  • Additional Models for Mages and two Regiments

#3 – New Warhammer Fantasy Dwarves

According to Ajota from the Spanish Eye of Terror forums, new Dwarves for Warhammer Fantasy arrive in 2014 (before or after the new Edition for Warhammer Fantasy?).

  • OrcCrusher / TBM
  • Runic Anvil / War Altar
  • Squadron Box Gyrocopters
  • Thunderers Box / Crossbow / Dwarf Warriors (10)
  • Hammerers Box / Ironbreaker
  • Slayers Box / Brotherhood of Grimmir
  • Longbeards Box / Rangers”

#4 – Rumour Plausibility Quiz

I am terribly at judging rumours, as it turns out. I don’t post rumours that often, and when I do I often enough fall for the fake ones, or nearly so, often enough.

So I thought I’d try something new ask you guys (and girls?).

Give me your “plausibility-rating” on a scale of 1 (snowball’s chance in hell) to 5 (as certain as rain in Britain) for each of the three rumours above:

  1. Triumph and Treachery expansion
  2. Warhammer 9th Edition contents
  3. Dwarf release boxes

I am looking forward to hear what you think!


Image: Troll Slayer painted by Eldave.


I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Hopeless painter and founder of Pins of War. I hope you enjoyed this article. Don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at


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  • Charles Rampant

    Hum, some interesting stuff there. I’m not sure that I dare to believe some of it!

    So the Starter Box rumours: these I feel are a 1, as it seems like this reverses the trend (holding from 3rd 40k) for there to br a single, simple route into the game. It seems like this would create unwanted confusion among potential new buyers. In addition, the specified forces are quite dull – I find it hard to imagine that GW would put OnG into the box without giving them some insane large model. The Snotling Pump Wagon would seem to be a logical one.

    Dwarves are hard to say. Nobody believed the DE rumours of so many plastic boxes. Certainly the Dwarf models are really dated and weak at this stage (even their characters look crap) so they could do with it. Noteworthy that they seem to be avoiding adding more warmachines. I give this a 3; could be true.

    Triumph and Treachery sounds a bit odd, but does undeniably sound like the sort of thing that GW would convince itself there was demand for. I’ll give this a 4, but it is the least interesting out of the three.

  • ProdigalPlayer

    Re: Dwarfs, one can hope. The current range of plastics really lacks the humor and character of the old sculpts so I totally welcome a reboot if it makes them less bland.

  • Fabio

    This is the chance for GW to smash any Dwarf competition down, the failed AoW Indiegogo campaign proved little, and apart some good sculpts (except the monkey arms) there is really nothing else to show. Also war-cast vs plastic is another thing, everyone I know of prefers plastic, and the DE release proves GW can really produce something good when needed.

  • gordon ashacker

    Triumph and Treachery looks pretty accurate.5out of 5 for that one. The new beginner set sounds awesome! I’ll buy two sets! 4 out of 5. New Dwarves! I hope so, but I would really, really like to see a Battle Blimp! 3out of 5.