GW’s Warhammer Dark Elves Teaser Trailer

Games Workshop Dark Elves Release

This has to be a first: Games Workshop puts up the teaser trailer for the next Warhammer release, Dark Elves, before pictures of any kind have been leaked on the interwebs (to my knowledge).

The GW secrecy-staff is clearly doing their job!

#1 – Warhammer Dark Elves Teaser

#2 – What Did You Expect?

Of course, there’s nothing to see in the teaser!

What did you expect?

At least I’m confident now that I’ll be able to get a good look at the Dark Elves on Games Day next Sunday.


Image: Dark Elves Shades painted by Aiden Runegall-McNaull.


I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Hopeless painter and founder of Pins of War. I hope you enjoyed this article. Don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at


Warhammer 40K Rumour Fight - BoLS vs. 40K Radio #wargaming #rumor #40k - 2 days ago
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  • BrassScorpion

    I “friended” you on Dakkadakka. I saw that little bit of silly hoopla with a MOD on there in one of your most recent posts. Reasonable people who are not part of “the in-crowd” cannot win with the mob or the moderators on any of the gamer forums from my experience. The users that post every day, even the nastiest ones, become the controlling favored voices on the forums and the more casual infrequent users are always looked at as outsiders and intruders no matter how innocuous their behavior. How dare we post occasionally rather than spamming every thread with endless pointless and highly negative comments just to boost our post count or annoy others!

    • Zweischneid

      It’s alright. I’ve been banned from a few forums… I’ve been banned from Warseer for life a few years ago for daring to say that Mat Ward isn’t as bad as some people make him out to be ;)

      Dakka is overall still one of the more reasonable places and I do find it hard to “let go” once I start an argument.

      One of the reasons it helps to have your own little place on the net ;)

      • Talk Wargaming

        Who hasn’t been banned from Warseer? I’ve been banned on every main forum – hence the reason I created my own forum :D

        • Zweischneid

          Yeah. The way it goes. And suddenly you have your own site, and must resist the temptation to ban all those people that rub you the wrong way ;)

          • Talk Wargaming

            I can’t remember the last time we banned anyone on Heresy, I had a spell of banning people and trolling my own site but nowadays I couldn’t care less – a good trollfest and fight in a thread is fun I just grab the popcorn and sitback. I usually implore the mods to relax and stop being so banhappy. Of all the forums I’d say ours is the most lax in its current state (the state being all the mods are AWOL). Which mod was it on Dakka by the way? One on there goes by the name of Alpharius – he can be a bit of a pain (he’s a pully in comparision to the mighty Wintermute though). There was the whole “Redstarone” incident that led to us falling out. Redstarone btw was like OJ Simpson in the Naked Gun. No matter what he did he “allegedly” ended up hurt. I think he had serious back pain, a dead child, a dying wife, he was burgled. The bloke was an elaborate fraudster – should of mentioned him in your previous post.

          • Zweischneid

            I don’t know. I am not perma-banned from Dakka. Just a week or something like that.

            Can’t tell you who actually banned me. It wasn’t a dispute with a mod that got me banned.

          • Talk Wargaming

            Ah sorry I read into Brass Scorpians “I saw that little bit of silly hoopla with a MOD” line and assumed it was a mod :)

      • Bobthemim

        I am on my 20th account on warseer.

        it seems the “in-crowd” like Brass said can get away with a hell of a lot more..

        last account got perma-banned for calling someone a troll, 4 other regulars called the same guy a troll, some even with the lovely ****’s present.

        I was perma, they havent even got an infraction.

        As you saw from our previous discussion i can get a bit heated with an argument when I think I am right.. especially when I know what I am talking about..

        It is a shame that you cant argue with a mod, or a supporter or one of the people who have been there since before 2010 without being told off or banned.

  • Battleboards

    Thought Antimaters new kickstarter movie for ShadowSea was better than that attempt lol –