Warhammer High Elves Teaser Video Up

The obligatory YouTube teaser for Games Workshop’s next release – High Elves for Warhammer Fantasy – has arrived. I approve of the use of actual miniatures for these teasers, not only shaky-cam shots of concept art, even if these aren’t the High Elves miniatures yet.

#1 – YouTube Teaser for High Elves

#2 – Release List

Given the leaked High Elves pictures, its well known what exactly will be released. In case there was doubt, Faeit212 posted a release list with US prices.

via Oliver from the Faeit 212 inbox
Warhammer: High Elves (English) – $49.50
Uniforms & Heraldry of the High Elves (English) – $33.00
High Elves Flamespyre Phoenix – $60.00
High Elves Lothern Skycutter – $60.00
High Elves Shadow Warriors – $50.00
High Elves Loremaster of Hoeth – $20.00
Alarielle the Radiant – $19.25
Handmaiden of the Everqueen – $16.00
High Elves Chracian Shields Upgrade Pack – $18.00
High Elves Battalion – $120.00
WBM: High Elves (English) – Magic Cards. – $6.00

#3 – Up for Pre-Orders this Saturday

As seen from the date in the video, pre-orders will go up on the 27th of April… or this Saturday.

What do you think?


About Zweischneid

Hi. I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Miniature Connoisseur. Aspiring Blogger. Did you like this post? Follow me on Twitter or Facebook for more. And don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at www.pinsofwar.net.

  • http://twitter.com/belverker belverker

    that is a pretty cool teaser, they are getting better yeah? Also, those prices seem a little weird mainly around the loremaster, the everqueen and the handmaiden, i know in australia the plastic character is the cheapest (which implies the hand maiden) but infantry finecast arevall the same price…will wait and see i suppose

    • http://pinsofwar.net/ Zweischneid

      Yup. Teasers are definitely getting a bit better.

      Prices.. well, I cannot vouch for them. At the end of the day, they are only “internet rumours”, though given how close the release is and how much we’ve seen, I thought I’d include them while I was writing a post anyways.

      A whole “uniforms of the high elves” book for another 33 USD? Lots of weirdness there.

      • http://twitter.com/belverker belverker

        they have done those books in the past, 1 for empire and 1 for skaven, they are pretty cool but not essential, basically just picture after picture of different uniforms, a little bit of fluff and some “famous units”

      • http://twitter.com/belverker belverker

        mmm lost my post…they have done those uniform books in the past for empire and skaven, they are pretty nice just examples of different uniforms from different areas, with a little bit of fluff