Tau XV104 Riptide Battlesuit painted by Mr. Nobody @ Dakkadakka
Can a 1500 pts. Tau Empire army list bring two XV104 Riptides?
I’ve been asking myself this question ever since I did my write-up on the new Tau Riptide. It is an awesome miniature with lots of options, asking you to choose between a the more aggressive Heavy Burst Cannon Riptide, and the more back-field oriented version with an Ion Accelerator.
Decisions, decisions…
So why not do both?
Given that I mostly play 1500 pts., it would be a horribly top-heavy list. But is it possible?
#1 – The List: 1500 pts. Double-Riptide
Without further ado, here’s the list. Have a look and let me know what you think!
HQ – 195 pts.
- Commander Shadowsun with Commandlink Drone & 2x MV52 Shield Drone
Elite – 651 pts.
- XV104 Riptide with Ion Accelerator, 1x. Shielded Missile Drone & Early Warning Override
- XV104 Riptide with Heavy Burst Cannon, Stim Injector and 2x Shielded Missile Drone
- 3 XV8 Crisis Suits with TL-Plasma Rifle & Fusion Blaster
Troops – 350 pts.
- 10 Fire Warriors
- 10 Fire Warriors
- 10 Fire Warriors with a bare-bones Devil Fish
Fast Attack – 142 pts.
- 7 Pathfinders
- 7 Pathfinders
Heavy Support – 162 pts.
- 1x XV88 Broadside with TL-Heavy Rail Rifle & Velocity Tracker
- 1x XV88 Broadside with TL-High-Yield Missile Pod & 1x Missile Drone
#2 – Playing the Double-Riptide List
Evidently, this is all about the two Riptides. Though I was tempted to include more of the bitz and tricks the Tau excel at (Recon Drone and a Devil Fish for the Pathfinders for example, or an Ethereal to hold the Fire Warrior lines), I tried to keep things basic.
Two XV104 obviously eat up lots of points.
The beauty of the two different Riptides is that they’ll play different roles in the army, which itself is divided into a (rather static and low LD) firing base. This is made up by the bulk of Fire Warriors, the two Broadside (which I kept simple and versatile) and the Ion-Accelerator-Riptide.
The Pathfinders do what Pathfinders do.
Finally, there is a forward-detachment made up of
- Shadowsun and 3 (stealth-shrouded) XV8s
- A Fire Warrior-team in a Devil Fish
- The HBC-Riptide (who will try to benefit from the Command-Link Drone on Nova-Charge)
#3 – Your Thoughts?
I’ve never been the greatest of 40K-list-builders. You’re feedback (and suggestions for improvement) would be welcome.
Can a Double-Riptide list work at 1500 pts? It sure would be an awesome sight on the table!
Let me know what you think!
Warhammer 40k Tau Army/Lot - Well Painted

Warhammer 40k Tau XV88 Broadside Battlesuit