To promote their newly launched online store, Games Workshop unveiled a web-exclusive Space Marine Captain, modeled to resemble the 1991 (!) Games Day exclusive Space Marine Captain. People buying stuff worth more than 60 quid from GW’s online store before May 4th will receive this web exclusive miniature without extra cost.
However…. there is also a second web Exclusive Space Marine Captain (see picture above).
This one will be much harder to get. It requires…
- A voucher code you’ll only receive with the first web-exclusive Space Marine and
- 30 USD (I haven’t even found the UK price so far).
Here is what GW has to say about this second miniature….
Only available until midnight (UK time) 1st June 2014
This exclusive plastic miniature can only be purchased by entering the unique promotional code that was supplied with the free ‘Space Marine Captain – limited edition, Web Exclusive’ miniature.
This action-ready Captain with plasma pistol, power fist and banner is the second miniature in the two-part Web Exclusive Collection. This Space Marine Captain will never be available again, so don’t miss out on your only opportunity to add this miniature to your collection.
There is a bit of spending to do, if you want to collect all the exclusives.
Moreover, it seems the second captain, though unlocked by the voucher code from the first, free web-exclusive Space Marine Captain, will still cost you a good bit of money (30 Dollars for a single Space Marine, to be precise).
Having the “collectors” and “completionists” on the hook with first web-exclusive, GW isn’t gonna let that opportunity go, it seems
Let me know what you think!