Unboxing – The Imperial Knight – Part 1

Unboxing Imperial Knight

Games Workshop’s Imperial Knight! It’s flying of the shelves everywhere, and I couldn’t really resist it. To be fair, it’s been a long (long, long) time since I build anything this size.

No time like now to get stuck in.

#1 – Imperial Knight – Box Contents

Imperial Knight the Box

The Imperial Knight comes in a typical GW box (no big surprise there!). It has a little drawer-box for the sprues, as well as an outer sleeve with a variety of paint-jobs on the back.

Imperial Knights Box Contents

The contents of the box consist of 3 sprues, the base, a transfer sheet and the instructions. It’s not a lot of plastic really, though a good number of smaller bits (like little 6-or-so little eagle heads to go on various end-parts), several spare face-masks and other tit-bitzs like this.

#2 – Starting to Build the Imperial Knight

Imperial Knight Sprue

The legs are obviously the first part to build. They come almost exclusively off the first sprue, which keeps things easy.

As noted elsewhere on the internet, a main caveat to this kit is that it really only comes with one fixed pose for the legs. Even though there are several bits to its, hydraulics, pipes, etc.. they are all made asymmetrically to build the leg-pose you see below (and on the official GW pics).

I suppose it doesn’t matter much, if you only build one Imperial Knight. If you want an army of them, with some variety in among the legs, you’ll need to break out some converting-tools.

Imperial Knight Legs

The arrows show some of the hydraulic bits that are glued in separately. For better or worse, each piece only seem to fit one exact spot (so the left one and right one, for those below the pelvis, are not interchangeable, for example).

If you stick to the instructions, it goes together like a charm though.

#3 – Thoughts?

All-in-all, I would say that the Imperial Knight has clearly been designed to be easy to build, the large-walker kit for people (like me), who are a bit daunted by large, complex resin kits and possibly even the more modular DreamForge Leviathan.

This one goes together step-by-step (and I highly recommend following the instructions closely, unless you have your personal hobby-battle-plan), and if you follow these steps, it’s as easy to build as a Rhino.

The trade-off, it seems, is poseability and modularity, but hey… one can’t have everything.

I am having fun with this one.

Are you building a Knight (or already finished one)?

Leave a comment and let me know!




I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Hopeless painter and founder of Pins of War. I hope you enjoyed this article. Don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at www.pinsofwar.net.


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  • Rhys_Compliment

    Cool unboxing. I guess the only question that pops to mind is, is it worth the £85 price tag? Very tempted but is it worth it? From a modelling point of view, gaming would only be a secondary concern

    • http://pinsofwar.net/ Zweischneid

      Well, if you are looking for a kit this size that is very easy to build, I would say yes.

      It feels (to me) very much like a kit designed to bring a larger crowd into building kits of this size.

      If you’re comfortable with Resin, DF, etc.., stuff, this one might be too basic to give you all the kicks

  • Michael Bartels

    I also couldn’t resist buying one. It is a really nice model, even though the posability is a wee bit restrictive imo. But nothing one can’t fix with a little plasticard and tube-tools ^^

    The one thing that disappointed me in the end is the price. 110€ for A model. The amount of plastic and sprues does NOT justify this price, as far as I am concerned.

    Interesting bit of information: While some independent retailers had double-digit models for sale, some of the German GW stores had stocks of TWO. *facepalm*

    • http://pinsofwar.net/ Zweischneid

      Well, it’s a pricey hobby? Would 110 € for 5 Imperial Knights be a better price? Still probably not.

      For 110 Euro, I can get a decent mid-range bicycle, 20 pounds of welded quality aluminium tubes, rubber tires, dozens of axel bearings, stain-less steel screw and bolts, some 18 or so gears, not to mention fully painted and assembled.

      One’s got to accept the madness at some point, I suppose ;)

    • Knight_of_Infinite_Resignation

      I agree regarding the price. Even at 20% off its too much. The model is disappointingly small and there aren’t enough options to make up for it. Compared even to GWs recent big kits its a poor deal.