What is Precinct Omega?

Precinct Omega
This is a guest post by Robey Jenkins from Precinct Omega

What is Precinct Omega?

Despite the company having been kicking around for several years, there is apparently some confusion as to what Precinct Omega does and what sort of business it is. So Zweischneid asked us to take a few moments to explain for the benefit of his blog’s audience.

At first glance, it can certainly seem that we do a bit of everything. We make games, miniatures (currently out of production, but with plans to do more), custom sculpting, commission painting, events, conceptual design, fiction and even, although not at the moment, podcasts – although you will hear us interviewed on podcasts, occasionally. But despite the scattergun approach, we really are only one sort of business, albeit a fairly unique one: Precinct Omega is a strategy gaming consultancy.

In short, whatever you need doing, with respect to strategy games of all sorts, we are doing it, can do it or know someone who can do it.

To make things clearer, though, we have three key pillars to our services:

Precinct Omega Studios is the best-known of these, and currently our primary revenue stream. This covers our artistic services, which primarily involves assembling and painting armies for miniatures wargames, but also covers sculpting, converting, display pieces, terrain and conceptual design.

Precinct Omega Publishing is the area that we are currently focused on expanding and covers our own range of strategy games. We began with the launch of Skrapyard, a fantasy-historical skirmish game, in 2010, but have been forced by the economy to put that on the back-burner while we concentrate on our new imprint, One Pound Wargames. 1£W aims to provide gamers with the maximum amount of strategic fun for the minimum amount of money. We are beginning with a series of linked SF battle games, but have also got fantasy and SF skirmish games in development, as well as a print-and-play boardgame.

Precinct Omega Community is where everything else is moving. Our motto is “Roll dice; change the world” and we believe that everything we do with POS and POP is about providing us with a platform by which we can open the eyes of both gamers and the general public to the potential for games to have a meaningful, positive impact upon our world. Our first major effort in that direction is MiniCon, an annual strategy games convention that aims to showcase the very best of the tabletop gaming community: openness, accessibility, friendship, equality and education. Run jointly with the Gloucester Games Bunker and other local wargaming clubs, the event is run to support charities for the disabled as well as to provide an opportunity for those who might not otherwise encounter strategy games to see what they can offer in a neutral, welcoming environment.

Other aspects of POC that are important to us are our forums; our monthly newsletter, Roll Dice; and our positive relationship with companies and entrepreneurs in the strategy wargames community, including websites like Pins of War. We try to work in partnership with as many such groups as possible, providing mutual promotion and cross-linking, as well as giving them a spotlight through our regular blog.

I hope that answers the question!




Also, if you missed it, there’s a fun competition running on Precinct Omega at the moment. I am already in!

Want to win a beautifully-painted 9-point MechaWar force, worth more than £80.00? All you have to do is (a) subscribe to our newsletter and (b) post in this thread before the next newsletter is sent out at 2pm GMT on Mon 13 Jan 2013.

We will randomly select one qualifying entrant on Mon 13 Jan 2013.

Many thanks for taking the time to write this up, Robey!


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