Will the Dark Vengeance Limited Edition Interrogator Chaplain Return for Dark Angels?

Painted Chaplain 40K Dark Vengeance BoxGames Workshop and their limited edition releases continue to puzzle me to no end. At least if this rumour via Faeit212 has any weight to it. According to the inter-webs, Games Workshop’s limited edition Dark Angels Interrogator Chaplain from the limited edition Dark Vengeance box (really the only thing that made it different from the unlimited box) is bound to return next spring.

The Faeit212 / Warseer Rumour of the Chaplain’s Return

Here is what Faeit212 gleaned off Warseer, re-posted for your convenience.

The Dark Angels side of the Dark Vengeance box was highlighted both the librarian and Interrogator Chaplin as the best models (in my opinion), and for the most part I think most people considered the Chaplin to be a starter set limited release only. This rumor bit, has Games Workshop re-releasing the the Dark Vengeance Chaplin around May of 2013.

Please remember that this is a rumor.

via shaso_iceborn on Warseer
I have heard both the DVish interrogator Chaplin and Radagast will be available after May and June of 2013 respectively.

via 75hastings69 on Warseer
I did hear the chaplain fron DV would be available as a clampack but no idea when.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Of course, it is only a rumour. It’s still fun to think about the pros and cons of this, assuming for a moment the rumour is correct.

Advantage #1 – A pivotal Dark Angels HQ / Character Mini in Plastic

The first advantage is, of course, to have an important character miniature for the Dark Angels in plastic. Few people truly enjoy Games Workshop’s finecast, especially for heavy gaming. If Chaplains become an important feature in a Dark Angels army, similar to Sanguinary Priests for Blood Angels if rumours are to be believed, it would help a lot to have a Chaplain option in plastic.

Advantage #2 – A Cool Miniature Returns

The Interrogator Chaplain from Dark Vengeance is simply a good miniature. Especially considering the “snap-fit” concept of the starter-box set, this is a sculpt with lots of details and character. Prices for the Dark Vengeance limited edition Chaplain on eBay are crazy as some of the things that went down for Limited Edition Chaos Space Marines Codex, but it is still prohibitive for anyone who wants to build a “chaplain-heavy” Dark Angels army.

But there are downsides to consider as well.

Disadvantage #1 – No/Fewer New Plastic Character Sets

If the Chaplain is to become a trademark miniature for the Dark Angels (again), especially if the army list is designed to encourage multiples of them, it would have been the perfect opportunity for a plastic character similar to the Chaos Space Marines Aspiring Champion. This is an amazing kit. This review by Phil from TheShellCase.co.uk pretty much nails it.

Though there are no rumours suggesting it, I hope there will be more of those, including one for the upcoming Dark Angels allegedly to be released early next year.

Disadvantage #2 – Credibility of Games Workshop’s “Limited Editions”

The “big one” for a lot of people, I would imagine. It would even further hurt the credibility of Games Workshop’s limited edition binge.

From limited edition Black Library hardcover, the sold-out in the US in a day Crusade of Fire surprise release, to the presumably now “standard” limited edition Codex released along with every new army Codex, Games Workshop has tried to tap into the collectors appeal of everything labeled “limited” with a vengeance.

Of course, the only thing that differentiates the limited edition of Dark Vengeance (or the Escape from Goblin Town box) from their respective unlimited versions is that one, unique miniature – a Chaplain and Radagast respectively.

I imagine it would enrage the collectors who bought the limited releases as much, if not more so, than it would please those that missed them, if Games Workshop re-released the very miniatures that made all the difference.

Of course, would that stop people from jumping madly at the next “limited edition” something GW puts out? Probably not. So I actually could see it happen, given GW’s odd track-record with all things “limited edition”.

I am not Special. I am just a limited edition

The crux of it, really, is that Games Workshop might have moved itself into a bind with its limited edition strategy between catering to the “gamers” and catering to the “collectors”.

I see the frustration of people who just want to build an army and play the game, but might miss important miniatures or supplements, such as Crusade of Fire or this Dark Angels Chaplain, simply because they don’t check Games Workshop’s website daily, trying to get in before the eBay crowd does.

I can imagine the feeling of “betrayal” that people feel if they were sold something as “special” or “limited”, only to see it return in another packaging.

It seems obvious that Games Workshop’s limited edition strategy is going well for them (Dread Fleet aside), and certainly not only for Games Workshop. But it seems that it can, one way or the other, only create frustration for its customers down the road.

What are your thoughts?

Would you welcome the return of the Dark Vengeance Chaplain as a clamp-pack?

Would you feel let down by Games Workshop undermining their initial limited edition sales pitch?

I would love to hear your opinion!


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About Zweischneid

Hi. I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Miniature Connoisseur. Aspiring Blogger. Did you like this post? Follow me on Twitter for more. And don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at www.pinsofwar.net.

  • http://twitter.com/belverker belverker

    Hey leave Dreadfleet out of this you big meanie, it is a great boxed game…people just didn’t understand…ok…maybe I am the odd one out here. (I do love it though)
    But in all seriousness if they do start releasing the “Limited” models later they will need to rename them to early release or something (I am sure they can think of a cooler name) but if not it will affect their credibility although I think I might agree that it won’t stop people from buying them when they are “Limited”…
    Hopefully the rumours are a bit off and there is another Plastic Chaplin coming out for the Dark Angels hence the confusion.

    • http://pinsofwar.net/ Zweischneid

      Lol. I have not the slightest clue about how DreadFleet plays (wanna write a review for me????? ;) )

      But I think there is little doubt that their seemingly somewhat desperate pitch of “limited, limited, limited… get it while it lasts” got them some bad fan-backlash back than.

      And I believe (without any evidence to support it), that its since than that they’ve preferred to err more to having rather too few, than too many limited edition X for whatever they put out.

      • http://twitter.com/belverker belverker

        haha yeah I agree, some of the independent stores around me still have copies of dreadfleet, and I believe if they do another stand alone game that isn’t based off previous ip there will be far less copies made.
        mmmm writing a review for it…means I would have to finish painting the minis and convince someone to play more games :p
        we’ll see how lucky you get in the new year…