I still subscribe to the theory that Wrath of Kings will be the next Kickstarter-project from CoolMiniOrNot (CMON). Whether or not this is true, CMON is certainly expanding the line. Now they released a batch of new miniatures for the Wrath of Kings faction of Hadross; who have pledged their servitude to the Deep Gods to help them bring about the end of the world. Check out the new miniatures here!
Who are the Hadross of Wrath of Kings?
Wrath of Kings is a 32mm miniatures game set on the fantastic continent of Arikania. The Wrath of Kings website describes the game as property of 5 houses Pte Ltd and published by Coolminiornot INC. The game has – at the moment – 5 distinct factions, which I talk about briefly in my previous post about Wrath of Kings.

Hadross Concept Art
One of those factions are the underwater-themed Hadross, whose Scion-King has pledged the service of his people to the of the Deep Gods on the basis of the paradoxical vision that in ”the world to come, his people rule all that is, so now they move to destroy all they do not rule.”
I’m quite a fan of the Hadross concept art (and much of the Wrath of Kings concept art in general). As noted before, I am picking up a strong Exalted vibe from it in many ways. Wrath of Kings seems to aim for a more non-conventional take on the underwater theme.
The background of the Hadross, the little that exists, is also quite fun to read. It is still fairly generic at the moment, but it does have potential for more if CMONs puts a few writers to the task of fleshing it out a bit further.
Unknowable eons past, an otherworldly power neither elemental nor god left its mark upon Arikania. Scion King Hadross deciphered these marks and contacted the power they described. Desperate to counter the power of his brother Nasier, Hadross pledged himself and his people to this elder thing, sacrificing himself to save all that he loved.
This bargain transformed his nation of Oserkar and his people. More and more of them are not even remotely human, and the possession of their bodies by servants of their Deep Gods accelerates these changes. They understand, however, that they will inherit the world and preserve its best qualities. How small a price is their humanity weighed against that?
Hadross shall rule all that exists; this is written on tablets predating the elemental lords. His people are the right hand of doom, and they will rebuild the world.
The New Limited Edition Pre-Release Hadross Miniatures
Now CoolMiniOrNot Inc has releases a few “pre-release” miniatures for Hadross. Given CoolMiniOrNot’s Kickstarter track-record, I do not doubt for a second that any real release will almost certainly involve a Kickstarter campaign. Compared to the state of their previous projects – Zombicide, Sedition Wars and Relic Knights – the Wrath of Kings miniatures line is still comparatively scarce, even ahead of the probably future Kickstarter. It makes sense that CMON would spend more time to bolster the miniature line with new releases like this.
5 more beautiful Limited Edition Pre-releases Resins from the up coming Wrath of Kings miniatures game!
This time from the Hadross faction!
Let’s have a look at the new Hadross miniatures.
I have to admit that I am not totally won over yet. These new miniatures clearly reflect the artwork. Yet they do so without the sharpness of the concepts. Somehow these miniatures look clumsily sculpted (not that I could do it better) and don’t really carry the Manga-Cthulhu-Vibe I was hoping for.
But that may yet change with future releases for Wrath of Kings.
What’s your take on these new Hadross miniatures… or on Wrath of Kings in general.
Let’s hear it! Leave a comment below.