Holy…. Fantasy Flight Games is really pushing X-Wing this spring.
The Imperial Aces expansion just arrived in stores. The Rebel Aces expansion has been announced. The large ships are on their way. And, of course, there is Wave 4 of X-Wing ships.
For the last, Fantasy Flight Games now released a preview of the pilots and upgrades that come with the Z-95 Headhunter.
#1 – New Z-95 Headhunter for X-Wing

Z-95 Headhunter Maneuver Dial
Entering X-Wing as the Rebel starship with the lowest squad point value, the Z-95 Headhunter is perfectly suited to play the role within the game that it played within the Star Wars galaxy. It’s a durable and reliable starfighter that comes with the ability to carry and fire missiles, making it capable of playing a strong support role.
The fact that the Z-95 is designed to play a support role can’t be overstated. Though the Bandit Squadron Pilot doesn’t cost any more squad points than the Imperial’s Academy Pilot, the ship isn’t designed for the same type of swarm tactics at which the TIE fighter excels. Instead, the Z-95’s agility value of two leaves it far more vulnerable to enemy fire, and its maneuver dial resembles that of the X-wing the ship that it prefigured far more closely than it resembles that of the TIE.
#2 – Z-95 Headhunter Pilots

#3 – The Headhunter Upgrades

#4 – Thoughts?
Wow. There a lot of things to digest.
First impression.. a Pilot Skill 8 Rebel pilot for 19 points! With a nice “fly-in-formation-tactic”. It does sound a lot like a Rebel “Howlrunner”, no matter what FFG says. Admittedly, the Rebels needed one (or, as it were, ‘Howlrunner’ probably should be a few points more expensive).
Second impression.. lots of fun cross-pilot squadron synergies. I love those. Even though I enjoy my shiny new Imperial Aces, I retain my soft spot for the Rebels, not least due to ships like the HWK-290, which really work on creating synergies between your ships.
The Z-95 only adds more goodness to that. List-building frenzy incoming!
Let me know what you think!