X-Wing Rebel Aces Revealed!

Star Wars X-Wing Rebel Aces

A lot of people – myself included – are eagerly awaiting the Fantasy Flight’s Imperial Aces for the X-Wing Miniatures Game.

Presumably, it was only a question of time until the Rebel counterparts would reveal themselves. Unlike the Imperial Aces pack, which features two alternative-paint-job Tie Interceptors, the Rebel Aces will include two different ships: A B-Wing and an A-Wing.

Let me know what you think!


Update: A few Images from the official preview (thanks Denny)

Star Wars Rebel Aces

A Wing Pilot Jake Farrell
B Wing Pilot Keyan Farlander

Let me know what you think!




I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Hopeless painter and founder of Pins of War. I hope you enjoyed this article. Don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at www.pinsofwar.net.


Path of the Archon by Andy Chambers - Book Review http://t.co/yIZQy2ZAEQ #40k #bookreview #wh40k #wargaming http://t.co/NRvo2jgv4G - 34 mins ago
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  • Denny Crane

    Here the official pictures with some pilot-teasers:

    • http://pinsofwar.net/ Zweischneid

      Cool Thanks.

  • http://pinsofwar.net/ Zweischneid

    Negative upgrades too. Strange stuff…

  • Rory Blans

    I wonder if Keyan Farlander plays by the same rules as Garven Dreis. As per the errata Garven Dreis may spend his focus token even when not rolling any eyes on his attack or evade and then pass it on to another friendly in range. I wonder If Keyan Farlander may “spend” his stress when not rolling any eyes during the attack. This might seem a bit overpowered because he will lose his stress almost every turn except when unable to attack because he has noone in his attack arch or because of the blinded pilot critical hit.

  • Herwig Riedl

    quick question, the picture above is from the FFG presentation, right? do you know were there are more?

  • Denny Crane

    Who expects this box being avialable in 2014 in EU :-D ?

    • Herwig Riedl

      well they said july/august. lets see…