Fantasy Flight just put up some information about the next wave of ships for their incredibly successful X-Wing Miniatures game. Though I am excited for things like the Imperial Aces, these are some genuine new ships, including the Z-95 Headhunter and the Tie Phantom!
From Fantasy Flight Games
Each of the wave’s four starfighters arrives ready to maneuver, battle, and fulfill a specific role within your fleet:
- The Z-95 Headhunter enters the Rebel fleet as an extremely efficient missile platform, better enabling the Alliance to match Imperial forces ship-for-ship.
- The TIE defender is a straight-forward fighter with strong shields, weapons, agility, and a maneuver never before seen on a dial.
- The E-wing pairs the X-wing’s firepower and resilience with the A-wing’s speed and agility.
- TIE phantom pilots rely upon the ship’s unique cloaking device to evade enemy fire and pounce upon their foes with their deadly laser cannons.
When these starships enter the game, they’re going to make an immediate impact!
#1 – X-Wing: Tie-Phantom Expansion
#2 – X-Wing: Z-95 Headhunter Expansion
#3 – X-Wing: Tie-Defender Expansion
#4 – X-Wing: E-Wing Expansion
#5 – Rebel Pilots

What can I say? I am excited!
Obviously, the designs for these ships have been out there, given that they are all drawn from various parts of the Star Wars Extended Universe (something that FFG has show it was willing to tap into with the HWK-290).
Still, they are cool ships (and plenty of fan-favourites), even if they did not appear in the original movies. What’s more? Lots of interesting opportunities to mix up the game. I am just saying … cloaking device!
What do you think?