More tablet-games based on Games Workshop are in the making. The iPad adaptation of Warhammer Quest by Rodeo Games should be nearing a publishing date. Now a company called Zattikka, which produces both Facebook and tablet games (e.g. Maze Ninja) released a press statement that they’ve signed a digital publishing agreement with Games Workshop.
There are Warhammer 40K Titans (!) on their way in a pixel-format. Hooray!
#1 – Zattikka Press Statement
Zattikka signs digital publishing agreement with Games Workshop®
LONDON, MARCH 12, 2013
Zattikka, the digital games entertainment group, is pleased to announce it has signed a license agreement with Games Workshop®, the UK quoted specialist of fantasy tabletop miniatures, games and novels, to develop tactical, 3D isometric, free to play games based on the gigantic city leveling Titans from their world renowned Warhammer® 40,000® universe.
Warhammer 40,000 is one of the most recognisable ‘science-fantasy world’ genres and forms the basis of a number of Games Workshop’s tabletop, role-play, board, card and gaming products. Today’s announcement will see Zattikka develop a game incorporating single, multi-player and social gaming modes, delivering both single and chain mission tactical experiences across a broad platform range, including PC/Mac and tablets.
The game will be developed in the Company’s US game studios, and is expected to launch next year. Zattikka will also develop additional downloadable content, designed to prolong the gaming experience well after its initial launch.
The Warhammer 40,000 franchise was originally launched in 1987 and now boasts a huge range of products including world leading wargames, New York Times bestselling novels, and multi million unit selling video games, as well as multiple card, board and roleplaying games.
Mark Opzoomer, CEO of Zattikka commented:
“We are delighted to be working with Games Workshop on such a prestigious and important gaming franchise. Warhammer 40,000 is one of the most globally recognisable science fantasy genres, appealing to a broad cross section of gamers.”
Jon Gillard, Head of Licensing of Games Workshop commented:
“Titans have been around since the early days of Warhammer 40,000 when they first appeared in our ‘Adeptus Titanicus’ game, and have been a firm fan favourite ever since. Seeing these massive engines of destruction fight it out in an online game is going to be fantastic.”

Soon stomping in “tactical, 3D isometric, free to play”
#2 – About Zattikka
Here is what it says about the company in the press statement:
About Zattikka:
Zattikka plc is a digital games entertainment group, developing games and providing publishing services in this sector of the rapidly evolving multi-billion dollar global digital entertainment market. Zattikka is executing a clear vision to become a large scale, diverse games publisher through strategic acquisitions and by accelerating organic growth. Headquartered in the United Kingdom with shares listed on London’s AIM (ZATT), Zattikka games studios include Sneaky Games (USA), Spellgun (USA and China) and Hattrick (Europe). Business to business services include high quality game art and design services provided by Concept Art House (USA and China) and in-game analytics insights through its bespoke SNAP technology platform developed in London.
#3 – My Thoughts
Zattikka, a company I haven’t heard of till today, appears to have several games out, including browser-games, facebook-games and iPad/iPhone games. Still, the “fit” with Games Workshop is (to me) not as immediately clear as with Rodeo Games and Warhammer Quest.
For the latter, it is easy to see how the game-play of games such as Hunters 2 will be translated (and improved, I hope) for a licensed Games Workshop game.
With Zattikka, and their more lighthearted, casual games like Maze Ninja, it’s harder to see where this might be going. Especially for something involving Titans (which is, as all Warhammer 40.000 things are, arguably the bigger franchise than Warhammer Quest).
On the other hand, it’s supposed to be free-to-play.
Only time will tell, I suppose.