A DreadBall Tournament Trophy from Bristol!

DreadBall Regional Tournament

I haven’t been able to play a DreadBall tournament since going up to Nottingham this spring for Mantic Games’ Mantic Day and DreadBall tournament with my Marauders team,

Being in the South-West for work this weekend, I had the opportunity to stop by in Bristol today for the DreadBall Regional, held at the awesome wargaming venue of Vanguard Wargaming and organised by Liam Hall (@MunkeyKungFu).

I had fun with my Marauders, though I didn’t do too well overall. This time I took my Void Siren for a tournament première. Lo and behold, some luck of the dice, and I actually walk away with the trophy, taking the South West Regional trophy to the Midlands!

#1 – DreadBall Tournament Teams

14 player. 5 games each. Lots of fun.

I certainly wasn’t the only one with a Corporation team. Season 1 and Season 2 Corporation made up 2/3 of all teams between them.

S1 Humans (Trontek) 4 Teams
S2 Human (Void Sirens) 4 Teams
Marauders (Orx & Goblins) 4 Teams
Judwan 1 Team
Zzor 1 Team

#2 – Many Thanks to Everyone!

Winning the event, it seems, also qualified me for Mantic’s “big” end-of-the-year DreadBall tournament in Essex in November (?). Gonna try if I can keep the day open for that one!

I may be able to write a bit more about the games when I am back home by the middle of the week.

Either way, many thanks to the organisers for the great event and to everyone that played!




I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Hopeless painter and founder of Pins of War. I hope you enjoyed this article. Don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at www.pinsofwar.net.


@the_xenite Agreed. I can't really believe somebody somewhere thought this was a good idea. - 6 hours ago
Follow @pinsofwar


  • Tim

    Awesome! Well done :)

    • http://pinsofwar.net/ Zweischneid

      Thanks ;)

  • Michael Dudek

    Congrats on the win! Got to go to the big end of year tourney. Despite some issues, Dreadball is still a pretty darn good game.

    • http://pinsofwar.net/ Zweischneid

      Well. My wins prove it as much as anything else. Had a lot of good luck coming my way… 2 opponents in a row lost a rush to the launching ball. 2 games in a row I had the “Ball Shatters” card. Can’t claim this trophy with my mad Dreadball skillz alone.

      But it is a lot of fun. Just got to accept that next tournament I might be on the other side of the lucky draws.