Admittedly, these pictures for the (presumably) soon-to-arrive High Elves for Warhammer Fantasy have been around for a day or two.
Being out searching Easter Eggs, I must have missed them. Still, I thought I give them a little blog-post to shine, as they are nice, high-quality pictures.
#1 – Pictures of the coming High Elves
The first one allegedly is the artwork for the cover of the new Army Book.
It’s… well.. why so serious?
The second one shows off all kinds of new flying characters on exotic mounts.
There is a certain irony there that the miniature-line strives for ever more exotic and wildly fantastic additions – a far cry from more infantry/cavalry grounded battles with a (small) sense of historic verisimilitude – while the Warhammer Fantasy Army Book covers get so serious and shy away from the colorful and comical covers from the 1990s and early 2000s.
#2 – Games Workshop’s Facebook Problem
If rumours are correct, they were “leaked” from one of Games Workshop’s many decentralized Facebook-pages.
I cannot verify this. If it is true, it certainly would make this the first “genuine” Games Workshop-leaked in some time (i.e. not “just” scans of White Dwarfs mailed early).
Whatever the case may be, more accidental leaks clearly is one of the “dangers” for a large company such Games Workshop, when they abandon a central corporate Facebook-page.
Trying to diffuse “social-media-marketing” and interactions through hundreds of sites and channels, while simultaneously trying to keep the lid on anything and everything until they can “reveal” stuff on their own terms isn’t going to work in the long run.
Really, Games Workshop.
Social Media, especially if spread along hundreds of little channels, simply doesn’t work that way.
But I digress….
What do you think of the new High Elf pictures for Warhammer Fantasy?