5 Amazing Miniatures from Hussar 2013 in Poland

Hussar 2013 on the 19th was the 4th Hussar Painting Competition held in Poland.

Miniature painters assembled and showed off their best. I wasn’t there, but  pictures were shared on Facebook (many thanks to Joker Studio.. shoot them a like!).

Here are 10 of the amazing entries (in no particular order).

#1 – Meadow of Doom by Łukasz Grzyb

Meadow of Doom

I believe this made a few rounds on Facebook before. Not just a great paint-job, but overall an insanely brilliant idea (executed perfectly).

#2 – Boss Snikrot by Artur Żołędowski


A rather odd skin-tone for an Ork ;). Works surprisingly well though!

#3 – Infinity Asuka Kisaragi by Piotr Czajka

Infinity Asuka

It’s the bike. Really!

#4 – Rhinotaurus by Stefan Johnsson


He looks angry. Seriously pissed off!

#5 – Witch Elf by Michał Pisarski

Dark Elf Lady Hussar Painting Competition

Very nice miniature. Very nice banner. Still gets me every time!


Remember to have a look at the full picture album on Facebook. Plenty more minis to see there!

Leave a comment and let me know which of the Hussar 2013 miniatures is your favourite!




I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Hopeless painter and founder of Pins of War. I hope you enjoyed this article. Don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at www.pinsofwar.net.


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  • Mark Mondragon

    Damn those Polish boys and girls can sling a brush!

  • D. B.

    OK, that Witch Elf is hot. And not just “hot” hot, but nasty hot!

    Seriously – let’s hear it for the Polish painters!