It’s always great if hobbyists drop me a line or two about their projects and events through my contact form. Early this week, I received a huge dropbox folder full of pictures from the 2nd Golden Dwarf Painting Competition in Athens, Greece.
I can’t possibly post them all, but here’s a small selection of entries for you to enjoy.
I do not, unfortunately, have any names of the painters or the “official” titles for the miniatures below. If one of them is yours, leave a comment below!
What is the Golden Dwarf?
From the Press Release
“Beware of Greeks bearing gifts”
- Aeneid (II, 49)
The 2nd Golden Dwarf competition took place successfully on Sunday, November 3rd and it all looks like it’s here to stay. But, first things first… who the heck is this dwarf?
Golden Dwarf is an independent, Fantasy/Sci-Fi miniature painting competition that takes place in Athens, Greece. Organized by a group of gamers and painters, the first – “pilot” – event was held on May 2013 in a limited circle of invited participants. Having captured the community’s attention and after public request, the event was repeated on November 3rd with an open invitation to everyone and sponsored by Shieldwolf Miniatures.
This time, the competing items were spread across four categories:
- Single – Characters (28mm)
- Large – Monsters, vehicles etc. (28mm)
- Unit – All types of units (28mm)
- Open – Larger scale miniatures, dioramas and more
Furthermore, there was an award for the best conversion piece regardless of category.
Although the event is still in its infancy and despite the fact that the Greek community ranks low in numbers compared to other countries, there were many inspired compositions and high-level paint-jobs to admire. Aiming at establishing itself as an annual event, Golden Dwarf will return in Autumn 2014 and will prove once more that you should … fear Greeks bearing gifts.
Anyhow… on to the miniatures!
#1 – Skaven Abomination
#2 – Dwarven Warrior
#3 – High Elves Phoenix
#4 – Barbarian Warrior
#5 – Dark Elf Knight
Leave a comment and let me know which of the miniatures above you like best (and, as said, if you are the painter, speak up!).