A First Look At Mantic’s Deadzone Plastic Terrain…

Mantic Games’ Warpath Deadzone Kickstarter is creeping closer. As it does, Mantic Games is slowly releasing more bits and hints to build anticipation (quite masterfully too, IMO).

Today – during the Salute 2013 in London it appears – two more teasers appeared.

The first, a video, seems to take lessons from Games Workshop in keeping video-teasers… minimalistic, I suppose. The second, a first shot of a table set up with the 28mm sci-fi plastic terrain, which will be part of Mantic’s next Kickstarter.

Take a look!

#1-  Mantic Warpath Deadzone YouTube Teaser

#2 – A Sneak-Peak of Mantic’s Sci-Fi Plastic Terrain

Mantic Warpath Deadzone Kickstarter Terrain

Mantic Warpath Deadzone Kickstarter Terrain

#3 – Are You Tempted?

Pretty cool, isn’t it?

That’ll certainly upgrade a gaming table!

What do you think? Let’s hear your opinion!


Another pic from Salute, curtsey of Riquende’s Wargaming Blog (check it out for more pics!)




I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Hopeless painter and founder of Pins of War. I hope you enjoyed this article. Don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at www.pinsofwar.net.


Dwarven Forge is Back - Kickstarter Madness http://t.co/jpmK0cBlQw #kickstarter - 15 hours ago
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  • http://twitter.com/belverker belverker

    it will want to be be a lot cheaper then the gw plastic terrain as it is nowhere near as cool ;-) plus the walls look pretty thin…though it loks like it will be good for infinity as it is good generic sci fi…can’t see myself buying it for 40k though

    • http://pinsofwar.net/ Zweischneid

      dunno. I really like the look of these.

      They are not “gothic”, true, but I got some of those and I have (and will continue) to play on many “gothic” terrain set-ups whether or not I get those.

      On the other hand, these look “military” enough, and not quite as cyberpunk as most Infinity terrain, that they can make a nice, “no-gothic” table for 40k.

      That said… quality (and price) is certainly an issue. I am still surprised at how expensive DreadBall really is if you break it down.

      Moreover, knowing what I know backing DreadBall, there’s probably no rush to get this on Kickstarter.

      A), because Mantic likely has it all set up once again. I doubt the release will be more than a month or two behind the Kickstarter’s end.

      B) because “large” Kickstarters (DreadBall, Zombicidie, etc..) ironically tend to result in a large “eBay-dump” when they ship. People get excited during Kickstarters (I know I do!) and re-think things when it ships.

      Besides, still need to paint most of my DreadBall stuff ;)

      • Knight_of_Infinite_Resignation

        Looks good. If it is cheap and modular then I can see it appealing to a lot of people. Mantic’s pricing is very uneven though, will this be one of their cheap things or one of their frankly overpriced offerings? Who knows.

        What I think is really interesting though is that Mantic are now trying to hook into the market for Infinity terrain. What does this say about GW and the rise of Corvus Belli?

        • http://pinsofwar.net/ Zweischneid

          I don’t think Mantic’s trying to hook into the market for Infinity terrain.

          If anything, they are trying to hook into the market for Infinity (or.. more broadly, sci-fi wargaming beyond 40K), and taking the terrain-aspect (which Corvus Belli aren’t doing themselves) with it.

          • Knight_of_Infinite_Resignation

            I’ll agree to disagree. The real growth in the terrain market has been for Infinity. Just look at the number of companies there are offering lasercut Infinity terrain these days. Mantic are being canny and have hit on an aesthetic midway between that of 40K and Infinity.

          • http://pinsofwar.net/ Zweischneid

            Yes… but also with a slice of Necromunda-clone.

            We’ll see how this will be packaged, but it was my understanding that it would mainly be a “boxed game”, a skirmish “entry-game” for Warpath the Wargame, which gives you minis, rules and, also, terrain.

            I am not saying they’ll be turning down Infinity players shopping for terrain, far from it. I just don’t think their ambitions stop there.

  • http://www.facebook.com/DomPedro101 Pete Jones

    I’m quite interested by these building kits. It looks like it will be modular like the 40K kits, but it looks more genuinely futuristic rather than gothic (the problem I’ve always had with GW’s aethetic over the past 10-15 years is that while it looks distinctive and quite cool – assuming you like skulls and grimdark medieval churches in space – its totally out of place for other games).

    I’ve seen the word ‘generic’ used to describe the Deadzone scenery, but for me it seems more of a ‘blank canvas’ for creativity. I’ll reserve judgement til I’ve got the kit in my hands but I am looking forward to seeing what I can do with it.

    • Knight_of_Infinite_Resignation

      there is nothing wrong with generic! Terrain that can be used for more than one setting seems sensible and useful to me.