Forge World Achilles-Alpha Pattern Land Raider

Achilles-Alpha Land Raider

Forge World is back with a Friday release for the Horus Heresy: the Achilles-Alpha Pattern Land Raider.

They did an Achilles Land Raider before, which – then – was quite contentious, given that it was impervious to meltaweapons and had a few out in-build extra-toughness options, that made it (too?) hard kill. The concerns of the time seem a bit quaint in the days of Escalation & Co.

It is a very nice tank though, including the Heresy-version with fancy Heresy-weaponry.

Adding this Land Raider to your collection will cost you £70.00.

Achilles-Alpha Pattern Land Raider

Forge World Achilles-Alpha Land Raider 40K

The Achilles-Alpha pattern Land Raider is the most durable vehicle currently in the service of the Legiones Astartes. These vehicles shrug off weapon strikes that would cripple other battle tanks, and are proof against even the most toxic environment. The weaponry of these vehicles is formidable, featuring an advanced quad launcher and powerful volkite batteries.

Achilles Alpha Land Raider

#2  - Thoughts?

Let me know what you think of Forge World’s latest!




I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Hopeless painter and founder of Pins of War. I hope you enjoyed this article. Don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at


@Thee_Other_Matt @DaSkwire Ok. Three times, really quickly. No cheating ;) - 2 days ago
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  • Yggdrasil

    I like all the “Volkite” weaponry range from the Heresy, so that’s nice to see some vehicle-mounted ones ! As for the rest, I’m not really fond of the “OMG-that-was-better-back-in-the-days” Land Raider variant : I just don’l like the side weapon sponsons…
    Still another win (and not THAT expensive compared to, say, the Kharybdis) for FW, IMHO.

    • Bobthemim

      The difference between this Achilles and the older one seems to be HH weapons and a redisgned side sponson area.

      Tbh the older one for £67, although not that much cheaper, will work out shipping wise cheaper, and you can get a weathering pot or another lil addon for the same.

      • Yggdrasil

        I only order some FW once I’ve reached the “free shipping” threshold anyway, so… I guess with the “small” difference in price, it’s just depending on whether you play 30k or 40k… (Oh, and still don’t bring one too close to a D-weapon uh : )

        • Bobthemim


          much rather they just released the side sponsons and foecused on getting more Primarchs out