Ajax the Great for Infinity

Though I heard a lot of good things about Infinity by Corvus Belli, it is not a game I really tried yet. The Infinity miniatures are always stunning though. I really do like their style of Sci-Fi.

One miniature that was on several “best-miniature-of-the-year” polls in 2012, at least the polls I saw, was Corvus Belli’s Ajax the Great for Infinity.

#1 – A Badass Studio Facebook Competition

Like his namesake from 2004 movie Troy, Infinity Ajax wields a massive, bad-ass hammer (though Ajax the Great in Homer’s Illiad actually doesn’t, at least not explicitly).

When Badass Studios – a commission painting service – ran a Facebook competition for naming  an awesome 28mm miniature (and thereby – possibly – getting it painted), I threw Ajax the Great into the ring. Because he’s very much a badass miniature.

Lo and behold, I actually was one of the winners of this competition by Badass Studios, meaning they would paint me up an Ajax the Great. Time to take a crack at my first Infinity Miniature.

#2 – Unboxing Infinity’s Ajax the Great

Ajax the Great

First I had to get the miniature. RRP for this guy is a solid 15 GBP. Even with a few quid discount from Wayland Games, it’s still a pricey miniature. Infinity – despite being a skirmish game – certainly isn’t a cheap wargaming option.

Ajax came in a nice blister with some type of art card. It mentions his weaponry on the front (i.e. “2 Combi Rifles, EXP, CCW”), so I first thought it was some sort of stat-card for the actual game.

Alas, it wasn’t.

The actual miniature came in 5 parts (+ a base, which isn’t shown).

Ajax the Great

#3 – Ajax the Great painted by Badass Studio

So off Ajax went on a little road trip through the UK to Badass Studios for a bad-ass paint job, before returning home to the Midlands.

He’s sitting here on my desk watching me type. As I don’t have a proper light-box for miniature-pictures, I’ll show off the pictures from the studio instead.

Ajax the Great painted

The base isn’t the one that comes with the miniature (or the one used for the game).

I don’t have an Infinity force, and no particular preferences for the paint scheme, so I asked Sean from Badass Studio to just have fun with the miniature.

Ajax the Great

Fun detail: Besides the custom base, there are also the logos of Pins of War and Badass studio on the shoulder-pads. A heavily branded Ajax!

Ajax the Great Logo

Shoot Badass Studios a like on their Facebook page and let me know what you think of this take on Ajax on the comments below!


About Zweischneid

Hi. I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Miniature Connoisseur. Aspiring Blogger. Did you like this post? Follow me on Twitter or Facebook for more. And don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at www.pinsofwar.net.

  • belverker

    looks good mate, wasn’t initially a fan of the infinity minis as they were very anime which i don’t like, but they seem to be moving away from that style, which means i might end up looking into it.
    This model looks great and the paint job is awesome, love the logos

  • Michael Dudek

    Don’t have any interest in the game, but he is a cool looking mini with a nice paint job.