New Space Marine Centurions: A First Look!

Here we are. There has been a flood of Space Marine rumours over the last 48 hours or so. Obviously, the rumoured 60mm base Space Marines Centurions are the most anticipated part of this new release.

  • Will they fit in nicely with the rest of the Space Marines range?
  • How will the slot into the existing background?

Well, the first pictures have been seen, so have a look and judge for yourself!

#1 – The New Space Marines Centurions


Space Marine Codex Centurions

Update: There are new rumours for the Space Marines Centurion Rules!

#2 – The New Space Marines Anti-Air Rhino

Also, there’s picture of the new anti-aircraft Rhino variant. It’s a tank with big guns, so I would expect this one to be far less controversial. Is it what you expected?

Rhino Space Marine Codex New Pictures Leaked

#3 – Vanguard Veterans

Notice the pistol by the Sergeant. I would think this is one of the new grav weapons.

Vanguard Veterans

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Vanguard Veterans

#4 – Thoughts?

All right! Let’s get the discussion started. What do you think of the new Space Marines Centurions?




Let me know in the comments below!

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