Forge World Horus Heresy: Angron is Coming!

Warhammer 40K Primarch AngronAngron is coming! Games Workshop is running on Traitor Space Marines overload! The release of the new Chaos Space Marines miniatures (pre-orders anyway) and Forge World’s new Horus Heresy line coincide on the weekend of their UK Games Day 2012. Early White Dwarfs leaked pictures of the upcoming Chaos Space Marines. The latest White Dwarf also previews Forge World’s first Heresy-Era Primarch to step to the table: Angron!

Forge World’s Horus Heresy Books and the Primarchs

Ever since Forge World announced their Horus Heresy line, speculations ran hot about how they would treat the Primarchs.

One appeal of the Black Library books on the Horus Heresy (and some “contemporary” novels such as Soul Hunter) clearly is to catch a glimpse of the fabled Primarchs, see them in action, listen in to their thoughts. Yet even BL-authors treat Primarchs from a distance, lest they spoil the mystical aura surrounding the Space Marine progenitors.

It will be interesting to see how Forge World treats them. Will they find the right balance between “too powerful” (dominating the game too much) and “too weak” (stats undeserving of these fabled beings)? Will there be stats at all?

It seems we will find out soon. Forge World’s Angron miniature is about to be released.

Angron, Primarch of the World Eaters, the Red Angel

Angron Full Colour

Angron (also known as the Red Angel) is the Primarch of the World Eaters. He fell to Chaos during the Horus Heresy, afterwards becoming a Daemon Prince of Khorne.

 from Lexicanum

Angron, the Primarch of the World Eaters, is a fitting choice to start of the “tabletop-exploration” of Primarchs.

First, virtually all new Horus Heresy miniatures revealed by Forge World for their first Horus Heresy book – the Scimitar Jetbikes, the Fellblade Superheavy,  etc.. – are painted in pre-heresy World Eater colours. Space Marines Legion XII is bound to play a key role in the upcoming Horus Heresy book from Forge World.

Second, unlike most Primarchs, Angron has (in his Daemon-Prince form) already made a few rare appearances in Warhammer 40K. Way, way back, there was a miniature for the Red Angel for Warhammer Epic. Some fairly insane stats for Angron the Daemon Prince were also once floated for his appearance during the First War for Armageddon.

Angron Primarch in Warhammer Epic

Angron in WH40K Epic

Now the Horus Heresy Angron is about to become available as a miniature. The Forge World sculptors (and painters) seem to have been inspired by this piece of concept art for the World Eater Primarch during the Horus Heresy.

Hors Heresy Angron Concept Art

Here are some more pictures of the latest Forge World miniature for Angron from the coming White Dwarf. It is actually more a mini-diorama-set than “just” a miniature.

Warhammer 40K Horus Heresy Angron Side

Warhammer 40K Horus Heresy Angron Front

Warhammer 40K Angron Horus Heresy Cloak

Warhammer 40K Angron Miniature Space Marine Casualty

What are your thoughts on Primarchs on the Warhammer 40K? Would you be excited to seem them on the table? A good idea? A step too far?

Do you like the Angron miniature (or diorama) from what you can see? Which Primarch would you hope will get a miniature next?

Leave a comment below!


Update: Forge World just pulled the cover. Head over to their website to see Angron the Red Angel in all its blood-soaked glory. The mini will sell for £50.00!

Angron World Eaters Primarch Warhammer 40K Forge World
Angron Base Official Forge World



I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Hopeless painter and founder of Pins of War. I hope you enjoyed this article. Don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at


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