It can’t accelerate worth a wheep and it turns slower than a comet, but if you get in its sights, it can blow you to itty-bitty pieces. It would be embarrassing to have to inform your family you got shot apart by a shuttle, so stay alert. It’s been nearly 3 waves into Fantasy Flight’s […]
This Is Extreme – This Is Slaughterball!
Slaughterball is currently running on Kickstarter and here you can read some more about this great looking project. “Slaughterball is a competitive board game simulating a ferocious future blood sport where 2-4 teams of genetically-engineered super-athletes clash in a remorseless steel pit. Teams score points by making goals and injuring opponents. The team with the […]
Total Extinction Beta Play-Test by Jeff La Belle & Crew
We played Total Extinction by Sentinel Games. All I can say is WOW! Fast paced, engage lay, easy to play, and seriously, after reading the rules, you don’t need to look back much at all. This is a guest-post by Jeff La Belle & Crew, backers of Total Extinction on Kickstarter. Preparing a Game of […]
How Games Tell Stories, and How to Turn a Story Into a Game
Good games are games that tell interesting stories. Any kind of game can tell a story, from ancient classics like Chess, King’s Table, and Go, to complex military simulations like Warhammer. Characters appear; problems beset them; solutions are sought and struggles are endured; and events in the world unfold. At the end of the story, the […]
Proxy Army – 3D Printed Miniatures for Everyone
Starting a gaming company is expensive. Molds for miniatures cost thousands of dollars, making it hard for indie gaming companies to make their own minis. But what if every gamer could have fully custom miniatures, creating exact models of their D&D characters or fully original tabletop armies? We’re Proxy Army, and we want to make that happen. […]
Game Design: How We Made Twelve Elements of War
X-Wing – More Fun than a Barrel of Jawas
A Brush With Style…X
A few days ago, having been asked to write this review about a new line of paintbrushes, I began to think about how important my brushes really are to me. Without doubt, my brushes and my paint are my most important tools. What would a miniature painter be without his brush? That’s like a burger […]
Creating Card Box Buildings
I have been tabletop gaming, mostly Dungeons and Dragons, for some 30 years now. The problems I have had with scenery and storing it have gone on for years. So I set out to design a solution! Creating D&D Card Box Buildings I wanted strong durable good looking scenery, but I also wanted it to take up […]
The Making of a Dark Angels Space Marines Cosplay Suit
This is a guest post by Tim Everett from Black Widow Company. The Idea This is my first cosplay outfit, outside of Halloween costumes, which don’t really count. I started planning this outfit in mid-2010, but I didn’t start actual work until around March or April of 2011. I first got the idea from a […]