Brace Yourself: Warhammer 40K 7th Edition Is Coming


Earlier this year, around February, 40K Radio broke the news of a new Edition of Warhammer 40K being in the works.

Some updates on 7th edition: 1) It will purely be a book release. 2) It could be released as early as May.

Today, Games Workshop Liverpool put up an image of a poster on their Facebook page.

The image seems to both give a date an a glimpse at the new art direction for the new edition (and, in essence, confirming it).

Funny enough, after months of crazy rumours as to what the new starter box may or may not contain, most rumour mongers seem to track-back to the original 40K Radio rumour; that the Dark Vengeance box will stick with us for another round (though possibly with a new design and a new 7th Edition mini-rule-book?).

Full circle.

At the end of the month, we will know more, it seem.




I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Hopeless painter and founder of Pins of War. I hope you enjoyed this article. Don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at
The Crimson Slaughter Supplement - A Review #40k #wargaming - 13 hours ago
  • Bobthemim

    despite what everyone calls it.. its basically 6.5ed

    we will have it for another 2-3 years and THEN will 7th come out.

    This book will contain rules for Escalation, Strongholds, Battle in teh skies Etc..

    basically all the idiots that have the extra books will have wasted their money

    • Zweischneid

      Well, it will very likely be marketed as 7th.. or as a “new edition”.

      It’s clearly not going to be a full break like 2nd to 3rd edition, but everything else, if you go by that, wasn’t.

      Technically, we’re playing Edition 3.3, and this will be Edition 3.4. I suppose. No?

  • BrassScorpion

    When GW went from a 5 to 6 year rules revision cycle down to 4 years and upped the rule book price to $74 it was fraught with the risk of losing customers due to the higher cost of keeping current and indeed they have lost some customers to competing systems now that there are so many other miniatures games out there. If they expect to do better on a 2-year cycle when they’ve already had so much customer attrition in 2013 I think they are in for a rude shock. Recruitment of new customers seems to be at an all-time low this past year and they simply cannot stay on top in the long run only by continuing to cut costs (can’t be much left to cut at this point) and raising prices on their existing customers, many of whom are buying less than ever due to the significant GW price increases of the past three years. Up until 2012 I used to see new customers all the time in my local GW including lots of children, that is a rarity over the past year.

    I’ll be interested to see exactly what is going on with the 6th Edition 40K rule book and if there really is a 7th Edition about to be released. I’m a devoted GW model hobbyist, but play Warhammer (both of them) very little these days. If they are replacing 6th Edtion this year, after 25 years in the hobby I might delay or decline buying another very expensive rule book after buying the current $74 book just 2 years ago.

    Another thing to think about with the current rules system for 40K is that there are literally dozens of supplements now in both print and e-book editions, far too many to ever revise all of them and also far too many to make them obsolete with major rules changes considering how much money some customers have spent just on supplements. Supplements for 40K alone now add up to more than $1200 and
    rising as there are new supplements every month now. Making those obsolete over night would surely cause some customers who own them to instantly abandon the game system as being impossible for them to keep current.

    • Zweischneid

      We’ll see.

      I think the timing of the release is suspiciously set to put preorder (May 24th?) and the first day of sales (May 31st) on to the tail-end of their financial year.

      The poor half-year report was for the 6 months leading up to November 31st. Now, this new Edition of 40K will be the final week of their complete financial year, which they’ll need to report on.

      The second 6th months since the last report and the full 12 months for the whole year.

      I’ll be very much looking forward to see how it goes.

      Despite the plunge of 20% in profits (which isn’t that much, though, General Motors announced an 88% plunge last week, and both companies at least still have profit… not every company can say that – hello Starbucks), the months leading up to November 2013 were fairly tame compared to the data-sheet madness, etc.., that followed after that.

  • Hive Senteniel

    At this point I’m not denying some sort of update/ 7th Edition is bound to occur, but so soon? I’d imaging GW will have sell this one at a much lower price than the original. I mean how many fans will get POD out of their minds if they have to shell out another 74$ (Or Emperor forbid more)? As for Escalation and Stronghold, Why release supplements in the first place if GW was just going to combine them into a “7th edition” rulebook? no matter what happens GW is jut going to come out looking bad at this point. Now before anyone goes off on a rant about how evil GW is, I just want to say I’m happy we’re getting an update but this is just one of those things that seem bittersweet IMHO furthermore, this rumor still seems a little sketchy to me. I guess we’ll find out May 24th…

  • Sir Arun

    There have been too many Orks vs Blood Angels rumors for this to not be true.

    • Zweischneid

      Quantity is not Quality. But we’ll see soon enough, I suppose.