Dropzone Commander Unit Previews

Dropzone Commander Review

Games Workshop aren’t the only ones running a little pre-Christmas advent calendar. Hawk Wargames – the minds behind Dropzone Commander – are doing one as well, releasing teaser-images for a host of new miniatures that will be revealed around Christmas. I briefly dabbled in Dropzone Commander, though I admittedly haven’t played it since. The one […]

The Curious Popularity of Paper Terrain

Battle Systems Terrain

Terrain in miniature wargaming is an odd affair. Without doubt, the look of your gaming table, the “feel” of your game depends as much (if not more so) on the terrain you have, as it does depend on your miniatures. Nevertheless, wargames terrain (for a lot of people) only gets a fraction of the effort compared […]

Spiel 2013 in Essen – New Releases – Part 1

New Releases Spiel 2013 Essen

Last weekend, one of Europe’s biggest gaming convention – Essen Spiel – was held in – as the name says – Essen in Germany. Lots of interesting things going on, and several miniatures companies were present to show off their newest games and miniatures. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to attend. However, the guys (and girls?) […]

Dropzone Commander by Hawk Wargames – A Review

Dropzone Commander Review

Last year, a new miniatures gaming company – Hawk Wargames – launched a new 10mm sci-fi miniatures game – Dropzone Commander (and without Kickstarter!). Fans lovingly call it DZC. I remember the vivid debates sparked by the “premium” prices of the Dropzone Commander resin miniatures and, even more so, the DZC resin terrain buildings. With […]

Mantic Games Disappointing Basilean Hard Plastic Sprues

Mantic Games

If you are in the miniatures wargaming hobby, chances are you’ve bought and painted, even collected Games Workshop miniatures at some point. If you did, you probably share the ambivalent relationship most people have with Nottingham’s most famous miniatures company. Their prices are sky-high, their approaches to marketing puzzling and their treatment of fans and […]

Amazon Wants You To Write Fanfiction For Money – Will Wargaming Companies Play?

Warhammer 40K Fanfiction

Writing fan fiction is a curious hobby. People pour in heart and soul writing something which they can never truly published because they don’t own the rights. Despite this, thousands of pages of fan fiction are written every day, and not a few of them for wargaming universes such as Games Workshop’s Warhammer 40K or the […]

New Miniatures for Dropzone Commander

Hawk Wargames

With TempleCon in full swing, many miniatures wargaming companies are unveiling new stuff. The biggest reveal was easily the new Warmachine Faction from Privateer Press, the Convergence of Cyriss. Hawk Wargames has been busy as well, however. They used TempleCon to show off a number of new miniatures for all their 4 factions, including the […]

Happy New Year – Looking Forward to 2013

happy new year from PinsofWar

2012 is at an end. Time for everyone to go out, celebrate, and enjoy the remaining few hours of 2012 with friends and family. If you’re reading this, a Happy New Year from me too. Of course, New Years is also the time to look forward to the year ahead. What will 2013 bring? What […]

Infinity: Campaign Paradiso Listed for Preorder

Infinity Campaign Paradiso

The Infinity Campaign Book Paradiso is now available for preorder from Corvus Belli, as well as various online retailers. Though it comes with a slightly higher price, Corvus Belli is sweetening the preorder deal by throwing in (not quite for free) an exclusive miniature of Go-Go Marlene, tipped as the most famous and most gorgeous journalist […]