The Crimson Slaughter Supplement – A Review

Crimson Slaughter

The Crimson Slaughter might be the last of the “old school” 6th Edition-style supplements, as “supplements” (or should that now be “sub-Codexes”?) from here on out appear to be stand-alone Militarum Tempestus style books. The Crimson Slaughter book also has a bad rep, mostly because it exists, and the Night Lords/Iron Warriors/whatever-supplement doesn’t. However, it is […]

Review – Tabletop Tyrant Squire Plastic Figure Case

Tabletop Tyrant Figure Case

My miniature collection grows, thus I need storage. Since I already own a few cases from Tabletop Tyrant, such as my trusty Kingmaker (behind the books in the pic above), I was more than happy to see Tabletop’s newest addition, the Squire Plastic Figure Case. Pretty much the same size as Tabletop Tyrant’s “half-size” Kingmaker, it […]

Path of the Archon by Andy Chambers – Book Review

Path of the Archon Book Review

Path of the Archon is the third and last book of Andy Chamber’s Dark Eldar trilogy. Three books in, Andy Chambers is clearly at the top of his game in bringing the Dark City to life. Unfortunately, the story doesn’t live up to the glorious setting and scenery Andy Chambers rolls out. Too often it […]

Board Game Review – Splendor

Board Game Unboxing

Splendor is an entertaining, abstract game where 2 – 4 players race to the most points. A lot of descriptions – on Amazon for example – describe the game as “addictive”. I don’t think I fully agree, but Splendor is a great way to spend 30 minutes, and the “puzzle” to collect the right combination […]

Splendor – A Game Play Introduction

Board Game Unboxing

I raved about high quality of game components for Splendor the Board Game. But how does it actually play? Splendor is described as a chip collecting and card development game. This is actually a good, very literal summary of the two main steps that make up this game. Year Published 2014 Number of Players 2 − 4 […]

Splendor – Board Game Unboxing

Board Game Unboxing

Splendor is a relatively new, abstract board game about collecting the right set of (gemstone-themed) cards. Not the usual wargamer’s fare, but it is one of three nominees for the prestigious Spiel des Jahres 2014 awards. I also happened to have a copy. Let’s take a look inside the box. #1 – Splendor – Box Contents […]

Horus Heresy Hunter’s Moon / Thief of Revelations – Audio Drama Review

Thief of Revelations Audio Drama

A single CD with two Audio Dramas for the Horus Heresy: Hunter’s Moon by Guy Haley and Thief of Revelations by Graham McNeill. Hunter’s Moon is a nice story, well told, though it could easily have been a regular 40K story. Thief of Revelations, on the other hand, sweeps across the entire Heresy, but left me wondering […]

Unboxing the New Citadel Drill

Citadel Drill Unboxing

Citadel recently released a new range of hobby toys, including this fancy hand-held drill for £16,-. The sticker-price is obviously a huge issue. Similar products go for 1/3rd on Amazon, probably less if you look around. So what do you get for your money from Games Workshop? Price aside, it is a nice, well/made tool, designed […]

Scars – Audio Book Review

Scars Audiobook Review

Scars is the unabridged audiobook version of the novel of the same name, written by Chris Wraight as his first Horus Heresy. Originally, Scars was published as a “web series” with chapters of the book released one at a time. I couldn’t be bothered at the time. As the title suggests, Scars focuses on the […]

Sigmar’s Blood by Phil Kelly – A Review

Sigmar's Blood Book Review

I managed to pick up a copy of Phil Kelly’s Sigmar’s Blood (for free!). Vampires, Witch Hunters, grimdark Fantasy! What could go wrong? Well, I wasn’t really impressed however. Sigmar’s Blood is hectic and jumbled and, for me, fails to really create the mood and theme necessary for its, at first glance, interesting premise. Also, […]