The Dwarf Gyrobomber – 2nd White Dwarf February 2014

White Dwarf Gyrobomber

Welcome to the second week of Games Workshops all-new weekly White Dwarf + Weekly Miniatures release schedule. Obviously enough, the second week of the month sees releases that add to the ones unveiled last week – Warhammer Fantasy Dwarfs. For all intents and purposes, Games Workshop still revolve around 1-army-per-month, just staggered over the different […]

Forge World’s Red Butchers of the World Eater Legion

Forge World New Releases

Forge World releases another addition to the Horus Heresy line of Space Marine miniatures: the World Eater Red Butchers. Great, choppy Terminators that would make an awesome stand-in for Lighting-Claw Assault Terminators, if you still field them. Interesting fluff too, which reminds me a lot of the old Chaos Space Marine Dreadnoughts! #1 – New […]

Starting A Tau Army: A 500 Pts. Battleforce Starter List

Warhammer 40K Tau Starter Army

The question came up in the comments to my Tau Codex review, and it is clearly a key question for anyone setting out into Warhammer 40K hobby: How do I get started building my army? I am going to try giving a more thorough answer – for the 6th Edition Tau – here. #1 – […]

From the Inbox: 500 points Tau Army With XV104 Riptide


I received a little question on starting a Warhammer 40K Tau army via email this weekend. I’ll try to help. Maybe you can too! Just got the tau 6th edition codex, I want to build an easy 500 pt. army that can back some punch. Trying to use the riptide, don’t like the xv8 battle […]

Dark Angels Blues – What Is Wrong With The Unforgiven?

Deathwing Terminator

I am running a small poll on what people perceive to be the best Codex released in Warhammer 40K 6th Edition. The tail light of this poll is the Chaos Daemons Codex. While this may be unfortunate, it isn’t all that surprising. Though Daemons have a small, but devout following of fans, the Codex received […]

The July 2013 White Dwarf – A Review & Thoughts

White Dwarf July 2013 Cover

I am, at best, an infrequent White Dwarf reader. The last I picked up was the issue on Dark Angels. This weekend, I picked up the July 2013 White Dwarf on GW’s latest iteration of Warhammer 40K Apocalypse, partly because I don’t think I’ll buy the new Apocalypse 40K rulebook right away. Some basic observations: […]

Starting a Tau Army: How Would You Use the Piranha?

Warhammer 40K Tau Piranha

You are probably asking yourself why, of all things in the Tau Codex, I would want to chat about Piranhas? They’ve got no new model. They aren’t exactly a hot choice for most Tau player. They are fragile and – at least on first glance – not terribly impressive. The main reason I want to […]

How Good are the Tau Signature Systems? – Part 2

Warhammer Tau Empire Signature Systems

Signature Systems are the Tau equivalent to Dark Angels Chapter Relics and Chaos Space Marines Artifacts, unique one-per-army items that grant an HQ (mainly) cool, unique abilities. The 6th Edition Tau Codex lists a record eight unique Signature Systems. Therefore I discuss them in two parts. If you haven’t seen it, here is the first part of my […]

How Good are the Tau Signature Systems? – Part 1

Warhammer Tau Empire Signature Systems

Signature Systems are the Tau equivalent to Dark Angels Chapter Relics and Chaos Space Marines Artifacts, unique one-per-army items that grant an HQ (mainly) cool, unique abilities. As with the two 6th Edition Codexes noted above (the Chaos Daemon Codex played it slightly differently), there are Signature Systems tied to a particular Special Character: Commander Shadowsun’s custom […]

The Best Tau Empire Units by FOC – A Hit List

pathfinders warhammer tau

The new Tau Codex for Warhammer 40K is a great book to delve into. There are endless combinations of different units, equipment-options and abilities. Great fun. I found it far more difficult to pick a “definitive” best-off-list for the Tau Codex than I did for the Dark Angels. That is a good thing. It means there […]