White Dwarf Weekly #16 – The New Warhammer 40K

White Dwarf 7th Edition

The latest White Dwarf Weekly – the second in a row without new miniatures – is all about the new Edition of Warhammer 40K, which went up for pre-orders last night. Indeed, it is probably the most-leaked Weekly White Dwarf yet. Pictures and scans from this issue kept a lot of blogs – including mine […]

Warzone Valedor & 7th Edition: White Dwarf Weekly 15

White Dwarf 15

The White Dwarf Weekly 15 is here. Possibly the first time since GW launched the weekly format, we have a week without new miniatures. This is a “books only”-week, and somewhat of a stopgap between the Wood Elves from the last two weeks and (presumably) next week’s all-out coverage of Warhammer 40K 7th Edition. Perhaps […]

Games Workshop’s Apocalypse War Zone: Damocles

damocles crusade

Games Workshop recently moved to a weekly release schedule for their new books and product, complete with changing the White Dwarf from a monthly to a weekly format. For the most part, it’s been a wild ride so far. Dwarfs, more Dwarfs, Imperial Knights, Imperial Knights Codex, a new Chaos Helbrute, a new Chaos Space […]

The December 2013 White Dwarf – A Review

New Hobbit Releases

I stared 2013 with a White Dwarf, so I thought I end it with a Dwarf too. For better or worse, blogging made me a semi-regular reader of the White Dwarf (and other Hobby Magazines). That said, I found the “Christmas” White Dwarf to be… well… a bit lacking. #1 – New Hobbit Releases I […]

How Do You Use Eldar Striking Scorpions?

Eldar 6th Edition Aspect Warriors Striking Scorpions

Less than two months ago, shortly after the release of the new 6th Edition Eldar Codex, I took a brief look at some of the Eldar Aspect Warriors in the latest edition of Warhammer 40K. One type of Aspect Warrior that didn’t immediately catch my attention were the Striking Scorpions. Was that an oversight (as […]

The July 2013 White Dwarf – A Review & Thoughts

White Dwarf July 2013 Cover

I am, at best, an infrequent White Dwarf reader. The last I picked up was the issue on Dark Angels. This weekend, I picked up the July 2013 White Dwarf on GW’s latest iteration of Warhammer 40K Apocalypse, partly because I don’t think I’ll buy the new Apocalypse 40K rulebook right away. Some basic observations: […]

The Eldar’s Remnants of Glory Revisited

Warhammer 40K Eldar Remnants of Glory

The Eldar’s Remnants of Glory are a bag of nasty tricks. The Mantle of the Laughing God and Faolchú’s Wing caught most people’s attention early on. As I noted in my article on these two, the game designers apparently made an effort to make these unique, trademark items more relevant in the game of 40K. So […]

How Useful is the Eldar Wraithknight in a 40K Game?

Eldar Wraithknight

There is little doubt that the star of the recent 6th Edition Tau Codex is the the XV104 Riptide. The Riptide is a great model. It has a great variety of weapon-options, all of them useful in one way or another. It is hard to find a Tau army without a Riptide these days. With […]

The Eldar’s Remnants of Glory Shenanigans

Warhammer Eldar Remnants of Glory

A signature addition to all Warhammer 40K Codexes in 6th Edition has been the list of unique Wargear items. Chaos Space Marines got Artifacts. Dark Angels Chapter Relics. Chaos Daemons Hellforged Artefacts. Tau their Signature System. Now Eldar get Remnants of Glory. For the most part, these are underwhelming and/or overpriced in the early 6th Edition books. There is […]

Eldar Phoenix Lords in 40K 6th Edition – Worth It?

Warhammer Eldar Phoenix Lords

As (more or less) regular readers of Pin of War will know, I am very fond of named characters. If there is one army in Warhammer 40K that always had far more of those than almost every other 40K army, it is the Eldar. One reason for this is that, in addition to “normal” Special Characters […]