Kings of War at Beasts of War (and Giveaways!)

Mantic Games Kings of War

If you haven’t seen it, Beasts of War and Mantic Games are in the middle of a themed “Kings of War week” over on Beasts of War. If you’ve ever wondered what Kings of War – Mantic Games’ Fantasy Wargame – is all about, this is a good opportunity to have a look at some […]

Ajax the Great for Infinity

ajax the great

Though I heard a lot of good things about Infinity by Corvus Belli, it is not a game I really tried yet. The Infinity miniatures are always stunning though. I really do like their style of Sci-Fi. One miniature that was on several “best-miniature-of-the-year” polls in 2012, at least the polls I saw, was Corvus […]

Mantic Jamplified Deadzone – How Much Was It Worth?

Mantic Games Jamplified

A lot of people like to give Games Workshop a hard time for what they perceive to be an old-fashioned or, at worst, even clumsy approach to handing their online and social media presence. Games Workshop’s decision to shut down their main Facebook-page is often cited as proof. Whatever your view of GW’s online marketing […]

Pictures and Impressions from Mantic Open Day 2013

Mantic Games Logo

Having missed every gaming event this year so far, and still holding a Mantic Ticket from the DreadBall Kickstarter, I headed to Nottingham for Mantic’s Open Day and DreadBall tournament. The DreadBall tournament was a blast, though I’ll keep my DreadBall thoughts for another post. However, even though I spend most of the day focused […]

Natalya A. Faden Talks About Torn Armor – Interview Part 2

Torn Armor Fantasy Board Game

This is the second part of my interview with Natalya Faden about here amazing Torn Armor miniatures board game. If you haven’t seen the first part of this interview, read it here! And don’t forget to give the Torn Armor Kickstarter a good look. The sheer amount of cool stuff found there is mind-blowing! The […]

Natalya A. Faden Talks About Torn Armor – Interview Part 1

Torn Armor Fantasy Board Game

Torn Armor is a great-looking game with two awesome and unique factions, great miniatures and loads of innovative game-play features, currently looking for support on Kickstarter. The skirmish game of Torn Armor builds on and expands the fantasy world of Torn. The Kickstarter campaign for Torn Armor has been running for a few days already. It’s fast […]

MiniWarGaming Reacts To New GW Trade Agreements

Warhammer MiniWargaming

Disclaimer upfront: I don’t really know a lot about “doing business” with Games Workshop. I mainly blog to take my mind off other things. Still, blogging about Games Workshop inevitably let me to pick up some of the bits and bobs that come with selling Games Workshop stuff. Most notably… The Death from the Skies […]

Loka Contest Is Now Up On BoardGameGeek

Loka Interview with Alessio Cavatore

A couple of days ago, I had the privilege to quiz Alessio Cavatore about his new project Loka: The World of Fantasy Chess. The game is still on Kickstarter (and well-funding at that, with a few stretch-goals in as well). Now,  you can also try to enter a contest to win a copy of the game on […]

3 Great Miniature Giveaways You Can Enter Today!

Free Stuff for Wargamers

I haven’t really done a heads-up post of this kind in a while. I did try to share fun giveaways and competition on my Facebook page and my Twitter account as they came up (and I usually enter them). Unfortunately, my Facebook page still appears to be bugged. I cannot see my news-stream and, as […]

3 Things I Learned from the Beasts of War Mercs Week


A week or so ago, a few people contacted me to tell me the guys from Beasts of War had given me a brief shout-out in one of their shows. Funny enough, found myself skulking around the Beasts of War website and videos a bit as a result. I’ve not followed them closely before (being less […]