I admit, I’ve never really gotten into Infinity as a game. But I doubt there is a hobbyist out there that is not awed by some of the fantastic sci-fi miniature Corvus Belli managed to produce over the years (a slick Giraldez-paint-job usually doesn’t hurt either). Yet for some reason, Corvus Belli seem to be […]
5 New Mysterious Ladies for Infinity the Game
My knowledge of Infinity is limited, but something seems to be cooking over at Corvus Belli. Infinity-miniatures-painter of fame Angel Giraldez released a whole bunch of pictures on his facebook-page, including those 5 lovely ladies below. It seems as if these are a pin-up and/or alternative model line, not “regular” Infinity gaming miniatures (though they […]
Pins of the Month – October 2013
Keeping up the tradition (I hope it will be, I’m horrible with serial formats) started last month, here’s a selection of miniatures added to www.pinsofwar.net this month, that deserve to be seen! #1 – Infinity Goodness by Studio Giraldez Not a month, not a week actually, without another absolutely stunning Infinity miniature on display from Ángel […]
Pins of the Month – September 2013
All right. This is a post-type I’ve tried to revive for a while, highlighting some of the cool miniature-pics on www.pinsofwar.net. It’s still not the most active site in the world, but I’ve grown very fond of it for bookmarking some of the cool miniatures out there. Let’s have a look at this month’s collection! […]
Ajax the Great for Infinity
Though I heard a lot of good things about Infinity by Corvus Belli, it is not a game I really tried yet. The Infinity miniatures are always stunning though. I really do like their style of Sci-Fi. One miniature that was on several “best-miniature-of-the-year” polls in 2012, at least the polls I saw, was Corvus […]
Infinity’s Max Skoprio – Authorized Bounty Hunter
Just yesterday I fell for a bit of Infinity rumour/viral-ad posted by Germany’s Magabotato.de for their Infinity special. The “reveal” isn’t complete yet. As far as I read it, this Friday (tomorrow?) will see an announcement by Corvus Belli for the “Infinity Tournament System Season 4″. Season 4 will include New miniatures, some of which […]
Infinity Teaser for ‘Max Skorpio’ – What Is It?
Anyone reading this know a thing or two about Infinity? I admit I don’t, other than gawking in awe at the spectacular miniatures – Pentesilea. to name a recent example - Corvus Belli keeps releasing. #1 – Magabotato’s Infinity Teaser One of Germany’s premier wargaming blogs (podcast, vblog, etc..) – Magabotato - is gearing up for an Infinity […]
Review – Ravage Gaming Magazine #5
Time to review the Ravage Miniatures Gaming Magazine. Or, more accurately, share my first impression. This is the first time I held and read this gaming magazine. The copy I have is the English language version released by CoolMiniOrNot.com. Specifically, I have issue #5 for December 2012 – January 2013 of this bi-monthly magazine. I […]
James Wappel’s Painting Pyramid Kickstarter
James Wappel’s ‘Discover the Painting Pyramid‘ Kickstarter is now up and running (and essentially funded). This Kickstarter – in essence – allows you to pledge for a choice of “learn-how-to-paint” DvDs. Not a revolutionary product. But it is less the DvDs that are exiting, than who is providing the guides that are on the DvDs. […]
Infinity: Campaign Paradiso Listed for Preorder
The Infinity Campaign Book Paradiso is now available for preorder from Corvus Belli, as well as various online retailers. Though it comes with a slightly higher price, Corvus Belli is sweetening the preorder deal by throwing in (not quite for free) an exclusive miniature of Go-Go Marlene, tipped as the most famous and most gorgeous journalist […]