The Crimson Slaughter Supplement – A Review

Crimson Slaughter

The Crimson Slaughter might be the last of the “old school” 6th Edition-style supplements, as “supplements” (or should that now be “sub-Codexes”?) from here on out appear to be stand-alone Militarum Tempestus style books. The Crimson Slaughter book also has a bad rep, mostly because it exists, and the Night Lords/Iron Warriors/whatever-supplement doesn’t. However, it is […]

The Red Waaagh! – Six Weeks of Orks!

red waagh

Games Workshop is riding the Ork-waveWaaagh! to the fullest. The Ork Codex will be available in stores this weekend. Furthermore, issue 22 of the White Dwarf will also bring us pre-orders for Nobz in Megarmour and the Ghazghkull Supplement, which is already included in the Limited Edition version of the Orks Codex. Perhaps the most […]

Poll: The Best 6th Edition Codex for Warhammer 40K

polling station

In many ways, an era is coming to an end next weekend, when Games Workshop will release the first Codex for Warhammer 40K 7th Edition: Codex Orks. It struck me that now would be a good time to take a look back at the nearly 2 years of 6th Edition and ask, which of the […]

White Dwarf Weekly #21 – The Ork Codex Arrives

White Dwarf 21 Cover

The 4th (!) week of Warhammer 40K Ork-releases? Is it just me, or does this feel a lot longer than when Games Workshop was doing these releases once a month? Anyhow… at least in this one we get the Ork Codex, which went up for pre-orders and will arrive in gamers’ hands next weekend! #1 […]

Unboxing the TIE Fighter Expansion Pack for X-Wing

X-Wing Miniatures Games TIE Fighter Expansion

I’ve resisted the TIE Fighter expansion for X-Wing for a while. In many ways, it is the least economical of the expansion, as you get not just one, but two TIE Fighters in the X-Wing miniatures base game (and many people buy multiple copies of that). To make the TIE Fighter expansion attractive, Fantasy Flight […]

DreadBall Azure Forst Clarification And Apology

Azure Forest DreadBall Expansion

Three days ago, I posted an article criticising Mantic Games for their latest announcement of a special ‘Azure Forest edition’ of their bestselling DreadBall game. As pointed out by vigilant Mantic fans and by Mantic Games themselves, pretty much everything I said in that article was wrong. Worse, it was published prematurely and without the […]

White Dwarf Weekly #21 Cover – Looted Wagons & Meks

Warhammer 40K Ork Rumours

Whispers of what we’ll see in the upcoming White Dwarf appeared earlier today. Now there is also a cover (confirming a lot of it, such as the exclusive (?) Looted Wagon Datasheet). Let me know what you think! Z.

Ork Rumours – Painboy, WD Exclusive Looted Wagon and Data Cards

Ork Nobs Charge

Some tiny Ork Rumours via Dakkadakka, on what might await us in next (the last?) week’s Ork releases. Have a look! this one came from a facebook post “Next week releases: Mek, an ugly (not in good way) Painboy, Codex, and a deck of cards (the 36 objectives card except 6 of them are Ork specific, […]

Mantic Games’ Not-So-Limited-Editions

azure forest limited edition

There are many mistakes in this post, and it should never have been published in the first place. Please find the corrections and my apology here. What the hell is Mantic Games up to again? It appears that they are trying to take a page out of Games Workshop’s playbook by launching more limited edition […]

Ork Rumours: Ghazghkull a Lord of War

Ghazghkul Thraka Lord of War

Word has it that the upcoming Orks Codex, the first of its kind for Warhammer 40K 7th Edition, will include Lords of War units. Now, rumours are out that the Codex will have at least 2 Lords of War: the Stompa and … Ghazghkull Thraka, the Prophet of the Waaaagh!, yours truly! #1 – Lords of […]