Recently, I found myself painting a lot of Tau, so I thought it would be a good idea to share my paint-recipe for easy Tau armour. It really can be done in three simple steps. I hope you enjoy this tutorial. This painting tutorial is a guest article by Tom from Mini Brush Studio. For […]
The Big Guy: Unboxing the Lambda Shuttle Expansion for X-Wing
How to Paint City-Themed Scout Camouflage Cloaks
I recently completed painting a Raven Guard Space Marines force. I painted the Camo-Cloaks of the scouts in an urban camouflage scheme that I present in this months painting tutorial. I think this camouflage scheme would also look great on other miniatures with a city-fight theme. I hope you like it. This painting tutorial is […]
How To Paint Black Space Marines Armour Plates
This Is Extreme – This Is Slaughterball!
Slaughterball is currently running on Kickstarter and here you can read some more about this great looking project. “Slaughterball is a competitive board game simulating a ferocious future blood sport where 2-4 teams of genetically-engineered super-athletes clash in a remorseless steel pit. Teams score points by making goals and injuring opponents. The team with the […]
How To Base Miniatures With Citadel Texture Paints
How To Paint Gold Armour with Citadel Metallic Paints
Gold is a surprisingly common colour for Warhammer Fantasy and Warhammer 40K. Not all miniatures are completely in gold, like the Blood Angels Sanguinary Guard but, but there are small gold-sections on a lot of miniature. In this tutorial I present a short guide to painting gold with Citadel Metallic Paints. There are different ways […]
Pins of War is on Holidays
Merry Christmas everyone. I hope you’ve all had some great days (and lots of wargaming-loot below the tree). I’ve been packing my things and getting ready for a nice week of winter-holiday. To truly unwind (and due to technical constraints), Pins of War as a whole is going on a week-long holiday. I’ll be checking […]
Total Extinction Beta Play-Test by Jeff La Belle & Crew
We played Total Extinction by Sentinel Games. All I can say is WOW! Fast paced, engage lay, easy to play, and seriously, after reading the rules, you don’t need to look back much at all. This is a guest-post by Jeff La Belle & Crew, backers of Total Extinction on Kickstarter. Preparing a Game of […]
How Games Tell Stories, and How to Turn a Story Into a Game
Good games are games that tell interesting stories. Any kind of game can tell a story, from ancient classics like Chess, King’s Table, and Go, to complex military simulations like Warhammer. Characters appear; problems beset them; solutions are sought and struggles are endured; and events in the world unfold. At the end of the story, the […]