Amazon Wants You To Write Fanfiction For Money – Will Wargaming Companies Play?

Warhammer 40K Fanfiction

Writing fan fiction is a curious hobby. People pour in heart and soul writing something which they can never truly published because they don’t own the rights. Despite this, thousands of pages of fan fiction are written every day, and not a few of them for wargaming universes such as Games Workshop’s Warhammer 40K or the […]

Book Review – The Devil’s Pay by Dave Gross

Warmachine Dogs of War Book 1

The Devil’s Pay by Dave Gross is one of three eBooks released by Privateer Press through their new publishing arm Skull Island eXpeditions (hope I have the spelling down now!). The Devil’s Pay is great fun, an action-packed romp through the Iron Kingdoms centred around Sam MacHorne and her Devil Dogs. It is very much what […]

Book Review – The Warlock Sagas: Instruments of War

Privateer Press The Warlock Sagas Instruments of War

The Warlock Sagas: Instruments of War is one of three initial publications by Privateer Press’ new e-book outfit. Specifically, it’s a story for their Hordes miniatures game, telling an origins/coming-of-age story for Archdomina Makeda, a prominent character in the tabletop game as well. I struggled a bit to get “into it” at first, possibly because […]

Privateer Press’ Skull Island Expedition Books Available

Privateer Press' Skull Island Expeditions

This is a few days late, I admit. I am just not plugged into the Privateer stuff as much as I could. Some time ago, I noted how Privateer Press released plans to launch a few books set in the Iron Kingdoms; a serious step in the fluff-offensive for the miniature-wargaming throne. Indeed, the first […]