3D Printing is rapidly becoming a far more readily available and affordable technology. For a while now, speculations and forecasts have been going around on how 3D Printing with change the tabletop wargaming world. The implications seem obvious, but so far, nobody has truly cracked the secret of making 3D-printed tabletop miniatures fly for a […]
Achtung! Cthulhu Miniatures by Modiphius on Kickstarter!
Heads up for Achtung! Cthulhu, which is now on Kickstarter with lots of pen-and-paper RPG goodness and (!) some amazing miniatures. I am convinced 2013 is going to be remembered as the year of “Kickstarter-miniature-madness”. There are so many awesome games and miniatures (along with a few bad apples) out there. So much creativity unleashed […]
Natalya A. Faden Talks About Torn Armor – Interview Part 2
This is the second part of my interview with Natalya Faden about here amazing Torn Armor miniatures board game. If you haven’t seen the first part of this interview, read it here! And don’t forget to give the Torn Armor Kickstarter a good look. The sheer amount of cool stuff found there is mind-blowing! The […]
Interview – Games & Gears talk Gaming Boards from Injected Plastic and Kickstarter
Some six weeks ago, Kickstarter officially opened in the UK. Over 400 UK Kickstarter projects launched in the first month alone. One of them – from the niche of board, tabletop and miniature wargames – is the Games & Gears Kickstarter for modular gaming boards made from injected plastic. The Games & Gears gaming boards look […]
Poll: Warhammer 40K With A Game Master?!?
Games Workshop’s latest, Crusade of Fire, pitches the idea of playing Warhammer 40K with a game master. It’s probably the sanest choice to keep the wild scenario’s in Crusade of Fire manageable. But is it fun? Would you play Warhammer 40.000 with a game master? Would you enjoy it? Do you think it could be […]
Through the Breach: Wyrd Games’ Malifaux Roleplaying Game goes Kickstarter on the 27th
Christmas season on Kickstarter is looking well set to be an exciting one. There is a Kickstarter in the making for Thon the Game and for Kingdom Death. Wyrd Games also announced that the Kickstarter for their Malifaux Roleplaying Game ‘Through the Breach’ will debut on Kickstarter.com on November 27th. Have a look at their […]