Amazon Wants You To Write Fanfiction For Money – Will Wargaming Companies Play?

Warhammer 40K Fanfiction

Writing fan fiction is a curious hobby. People pour in heart and soul writing something which they can never truly published because they don’t own the rights. Despite this, thousands of pages of fan fiction are written every day, and not a few of them for wargaming universes such as Games Workshop’s Warhammer 40K or the […]

MiniWarGaming Reacts To New GW Trade Agreements

Warhammer MiniWargaming

Disclaimer upfront: I don’t really know a lot about “doing business” with Games Workshop. I mainly blog to take my mind off other things. Still, blogging about Games Workshop inevitably let me to pick up some of the bits and bobs that come with selling Games Workshop stuff. Most notably… The Death from the Skies […]

Is Dystopian Legions Really a 28mm Game?

Dystopian Legions Spartan Games

Spartan Games is shipping boxes for their first 28mm skirmish game: Dystopian Legions. Strangely however, the Dystopian Legion miniatures appear much larger than the 28mm label suggests. Infantry models stand a head taller than Games Workshop Space Marines; 35mm at least. A blow for anyone hoping to use the models with other 28mm games.

Spartan Games Posts Dystopian Legions Battle Report: Good Background, Few Game Insights

Dystopian Legions Battle Report

Spartan Games released a first “official” battle report for their coming 28mm steam punk miniatures skirmish game Dystopian Legions. The report – titled “Give ‘Em Hell For Florida Boys” – has been out for two, three days. As the report offers a first game-play impression of Spartan’s entry into the 28mm field, it’s been carefully […]

Studio Sparta Launches Firestorm Invasion: Planetfall – Win a Kickstart Box on Twitter

Studio Sparta

Studio Sparta, the spin-off from the British wargaming company Spartan Games, just announced a Twitter competition to launch its highly anticipated Firestorm Invasion 3-in-1-sci-fi-miniatures game. The competition allows people to enter for a ‘Kickstart Box’ full of miniatures for the first game of Firestorm Invasion – the 10mm scale Planetfall wargame. Kickstart Boxes are available for […]

Firestorm Invasion Project from Studio Sparta

Studio Sparta

The people over at Spartan Games in Somerset, UK, have certainly been very, very busy of late. For Gen-Con, they just revealed their entry into the field of 28mm miniature skirmish wargaming: the upcoming Dystopian Legions. The models on show at Gen-Con were nothing but awe-inspiring. But as exciting (and ambitious) Dystopian Legions already is, it […]

Dystopian Legions: Spartan Games Reveal Their First 28mm Miniature Game

Dystopian Legions TN

Gen-Con is up and running. Quite a few surprises are sure to come from it over the next two days. The first one is likely from UK’s Spartan Games, who just revealed that they are throwing their hat into the equally popular and contested field of 28mm skirmish games with their latest offering: Dystopian Legions.