Off Topic: Sand Drawing to Illustrate the Numbers of Fallen at D-Day

D Day Sand Painting

Yesterday – June 6th, 2014 – marked the 70th anniversary of D-Day, when allied troops landed on the beaches of Normandy in France. It’s one of the most famous battles of the past century, and depicted in famous movies such as The Longest Day or Saving Privat Ryan. There were many types of commemorations, political […]

Warhammer 40K 7th Edition – Everything Is Scoring!

Everything is Scoring

More details about Warhammer 40K 7th Edition are appearing. This time through the Facebook page of the Overlords Podcast from London. This one is interesting, as it sheds a bit of light on how “unbound armies” in Warhammer 40K 7th Edition will be able to work (especially if they have no troops). In a nutshell, […]

Warhammer LARP Battle at the Smrtihlav 2014

warhammer cosplay banner 3 ub

People say Warhammer Fantasy is dead? Not in the Czech Republic, so much is certain. Admittedly, the people at Smrtihlav 2014 didn’t bring any dice or miniatures. They dressed up in full LARP-gear to battle it out in the Old World. Sources (and more pictures…. a lot more) Veverka983 Lucas Makovicka Martin Janca  Warhammer @ Smrtihlav 2014 […]

George R. R. Martin Posts a Chapter from Winds of Winter

Winds of Winter Preview chapter

Sooo…. word is, the next installment of George R. R. Martins record-breaking A Song of Ice and Fire series – The Winds of Winter – won’t be out in 2014. All the more reason, I assume, for George R. R. Martin to torment his fans. Tuesday, he released a preview-chapter from the book, titled “Mercy” […]

Facebook Buys Oculus Rift – Or Why Kickstarter Isn’t Investing

Oculus Rift

All right. This has nothing to do with gaming, but it might serve as a poignant reminder that “backing” Kickstarter truly is only one thing… a pre-order platform, and not – in a strict sense of the word – crowd-funding. The mix-up has – in tech- and video-game circles – unleashed a lot of bad […]

Off-Topic: Incredible Diablo Cosplay

Off Topic Post

I know the Dark Angels Space Marine Cosplay is a long-time most-popular guest-posts. Here is another incredible costume that’s making the rounds on the internet.. not Warhammer 40K-related, but inspired by Diablo III, by cosplayer Krizdel Ingreso. Incredible! Diablo Cosplay Originally from Geek X Girl (I think). There is a nice Facebook photo album with the […]

MERCS Recon Kickstarter Is Live


Those Kickstarter campaigns are truly coming hard and fast again these days. This one has been on the horizon for a while, and is now live on Kickstarter (and funded many times over): MERCS Recon, from the makers of the miniatures skirmish game of MERCS and the highly successful Myth Kickstarter last year. #1 – […]

Game of Thrones Season 4 Trailer


There have been a few teasers for the 4th Season of Game of Thrones (the TV show), though the latest one, released today, gives probably the best insights into what will be covered. Warning: I did read the books! If you didn’t and fear to be spoiled… stay out! It’s been a while (well, years) […]

Game of Thrones Pop-Up Guide to Westeros


Remember those little pop-up books, mostly made for small children, where little 3D structures would unfold when you open a page? Well, Insight Editions have engineered the (possibly) greatest version of that with their Pop-Up Guide to Westeros, themed to the Games of Thrones TV series (more so than the books). I have no idea […]