Poll: The Best 6th Edition Codex for Warhammer 40K

polling station

In many ways, an era is coming to an end next weekend, when Games Workshop will release the first Codex for Warhammer 40K 7th Edition: Codex Orks. It struck me that now would be a good time to take a look back at the nearly 2 years of 6th Edition and ask, which of the […]

Imperial Knight Lancer vs. Warmachine Controversy


I know this discussion was around during the original release of the Imperial Knight. Despite – obviously – harking back to the classic 1980s miniatures from Games Workshop, dyed-in-the-wool Warmachine fans often said the Imperial Knight’s new and modern designed owed as much to Privateer Press (founded in 2000) iconic Warjack designs, than it does […]

Forge World Pics – Imperial Knight Lancer & Tyranids!

imperial knight lancer painted

Forge World Open Day is up and running. A few attendants are sending pictures, among them the first shots of Forge World’s Imperial Knight Lancer and a new Tyranid Monster. Credit for these pictures goes to MyWargame.com, who are sharing stuff via their Facebook page (a lot more than shown here, so check them out!). […]

The Imperial Knight Companion – Review

Imperial Knights Compendium

Releasing the new Imperial Knights for Warhammer 40K, Games Workshop gave it their all. Not only is there the new miniature and the new Codex, there is also The Imperial Knight Companion, a pure collectors book of Art, Heraldry, Pictures and Background. Games Workshop did a lot of picture and art books in their time. […]

White Dwarf Issue 7 – Knights, Daemons & Apocalypse

White Dwarf Apocalypse Damocles

White Dwarf Weekly 7 arrived! When I heard this weeks release was a 40K Apocalypse campaign supplement, I was a bit torn. I love campaign books, but Apocalypse still hasn’t really entered my gaming. I still don’t know if I’d ever buy War Zone: Damocles, but this weeks White Dwarf is surprisingly good, not least […]

How To Field Imperial Knights With A Chaos Army

Imperial Knight Chaos

The Imperial Knights have arrived in Warhammer 40K in all their gothic glory. I am building a Knight and, as of this weekend, been studying the new Imperial Knights Codex. Among the most frequent complaints I heard, is the harsh restriction that prevents Imperial Knights from forming an alliance with Chaos armies of any kind. […]

Knights of the Imperium by Graham McNeill – Book Review

Graham McNeill

Graham McNeill wrote the companion story for the release of the Imperial Knights – Knights of the Imperium (not the most creative title!) – a 125 page novella showcasing the varieties of Knights, their outlook on war and their relationship with the Adeptus Mechanicus. The story fulfills its purpose of showcasing the Imperial Knights and […]

A First Look at Codex: Imperial Knights

Codex Imperial Knights

A first quick look through the new Codex: Imperial Knights for Warhammer 40K. I am building an Imperial Knight miniature, mostly just for the hell of it, but I was naturally curious to get my hands of the full rules (yeah, I suppose the White Dwarf statlines don’t really count). This one is certainly looks like […]

Unboxing – Imperial Knight – Part 2

Unboxing Imperial Knight

I started unboxing the new Imperial Knight for Warhammer 40K yesterday, and started too look at the first sprue, which largely builds the legs. Sprues No. 2 and 3 aren’t so easily classified. They come with bits for the main-body (“the Skeleton”), the weapons and the outer armour-plates. #1 – The Imperial Knight Skeleton This […]

Unboxing – The Imperial Knight – Part 1

Unboxing Imperial Knight

Games Workshop’s Imperial Knight! It’s flying of the shelves everywhere, and I couldn’t really resist it. To be fair, it’s been a long (long, long) time since I build anything this size. No time like now to get stuck in. #1 – Imperial Knight – Box Contents The Imperial Knight comes in a typical GW […]