New Character for Warhammer 40K – Be’lakor: The Dark Master

Be'lakor the Dark Master

December is upon us and Christmas fast approaching. As expected, Games Workshop (Black Library, to be exact) has renewed their Advent Calendar, offering a new digital goody ever day. Unlike last year’s Black Library short stories, this year’s Advent Calendar launched with a beast: Be’lakor – The Dark Master and believed to be the first […]

Warhammer Fantasy Battle 9th Edition Rumours

Warhammer Fantasy Rumours

It is a common belief that Games Workshop has settled into something close to a bi-annual, alternating rotation for updating the “editions” (main rules) of their two main games of Warhammer Fantasy and Warhammer 40K (does LoTR/the Hobbit still count as “main game”?). If that is true, the next edition of Warhammer Fantasy Battle – […]

A Short Daemonette History

Masque of Slaanesh

Chaos Daemons is obviously one of those armies that goes back long, long ways in Warhammer and Warhammer 40K. From the entire range, one of the most interesting (and most susceptible to change) are the Daemonettes. Where, say, the Rogue Trader-era Bloodletters looked essentially like they look today (mini-Devils), the visuals for Games Workshop’s Daemonette went through […]

Warhammer 40K Limited Edition Fatigue?

I am not Special. I am just a limited edition

An interesting Newsletter arrived today from Games Workshop. It appears there are still quite a few Limited Edition Warhammer Army Books and Warhammer 40K Codices left for Chaos Daemons. This, by itself, seems surprising after the Limited Edition Chaos Space Marines Codex and the Limited Edition Dark Angels Codex sold out in a few hours. Even […]

4 Demon-Winning Daemons

Golden Demon Winning Daemons

Earlier this week I plucked a Golden Demon-winning Masque of Slaanesh of this unofficial Golden Daemon website to illustrate my post on the Masque. Couldn’t help but wander a bit more around the history of Golden Demon competitions to see what the best painters did with this rather unusual set of miniatures (by and large, […]

Poll: New Warhammer Chaos Daemons Miniatures

Warhammer Chaos Daemons 40K

Oh boy. Rarely have there been models as contentious as the new Chaos Daemons. When the first, small and grainy pictures broke, the overall opinion seems to have been negative. When new and better pictures showed up, quite a few (though clearly not all) people changed their minds. Whatever the case, I think it’s about […]

Limited Edition Chaos Codex & Army Book for each God?

I am not Special. I am just a limited edition

Here is one for the collectors. It appears that Games Workshop is once again upping the stakes for their limited edition binge. If rumours are right, the Chaos Codex (and Army book?) will not receive one limited edition version each, but four. One version for each Chaos God! Wow! via FunDaemons GW is releasing limited […]

5 Close-Up Pics of the New Warhammer Chaos Daemons

Warhammer Chaos Daemons 40K

The floodgates are open and scans from the White Dwarf are everywhere. There are far, far too many pictures to show them all. Warseer is as good as place as any to get the full treatment. Meanwhile, here are a few select close-ups of three Heralds and two of the larger kits. These give a much […]

Pictures Of The New Chaos Daemons

Warhammer 40K Daemon

It is time. The first White Dwarf has arrived and the pictures have spilled. If I get this correctly, the credit this time goes to PlasticKraK Blog (please correct me if I am wrong). #1 – A Leak is a Leak is a Leak is a Leak? I have to admit, I am as late to […]

Chaos Daemons Teaser for Warhammer

Warhammer 40K Daemon

For a while now, the rumour-mill has hinted at a future release for Chaos Daemons, possibly even a double-release for both Warhammer Fantasy and Warhammer 40K. Now Games Workshop put up one of their teaser trailers – a very daemonic one – on YouTube, announcing a release (to pre-order) for February 23rd. There still isn’t a […]