5 Great Entries from the Golden Dwarf Painting Competition

High Elves Phoenix

It’s always great if hobbyists drop me a line or two about their projects and events through my contact form. Early this week, I received a huge dropbox folder full of pictures from the 2nd Golden Dwarf Painting Competition in Athens, Greece. I can’t possibly post them all, but here’s a small selection of entries […]

White Dwarf November 2013 – A Review

November 2013 White Dwarf

Last weekend I picked up a copy of the latest White Dwarf, my 3rd this year after Dark Angels and Apocalypse 40K. My first “fantasy-focused” White Dwarf too! Given that November 2013 saw a “2nd-wave” for October’s Warhammer Fantasy Dark Elves release, I was wondering if they’d switch up the format a bit (no luck there!). I was […]

Poll: Your Favourite 2nd Wave Dark Elf Release?

Dark Elves 2nd Wave Fleetmaster

Games Workshop released the second wave of miniatures for Warhammer Fantasy Dark Elves. The first two-month release wave in 2013 so far. There are some really interesting miniatures in the mix, with possibly some clues for the future design direction of Warhammer Fantasy miniatures. So I thought I will put up a little survey of […]

Dark Elves, Games Workshop and Beasts of War

Games Workshop

If and when you reading the title of this post, you’re asking yourself what the hell this is all about? Well, to be fair, this blog post will most likely be a bit of rambling without a point or structure. Just what’s going through my head, misusing my blog as a personal soap-box for a […]

Pics of Dark Elves Wave 2 – Dark Riders & Executioners

Dark Elves Dark Riders

The new Warhammer Dark Elves have been revealed by Games Workshop. It appears, however, as if the miniatures revealed so far aren’t the whole story. A second wave of miniatures is coming, and (apparently) it’s coming next month. #1 – Games Workshop Releases in 2013 Games Workshop has had a very busy year. Just look […]

The New Warhammer Dark Elves Arrive!

Warhammer Fantasy Battle Dark Elves Army Book

The new Dark Elves for Warhammer Fantasy were officially unveiled by Games Workshop today. Though I am not a Warhammer Fantasy player, I must say that the last few releases for Warhammer Fantasy, most recently Lizardmen and now Dark Elves, have all been spectacular miniatures. Fantasy releases don’t seem to generate quite the hype that […]

Rumoured Dark Elves Rules from the White Dwarf

Warhammer Dark Elves Leaked Pictures

How would be the first country to get the hands on the White Dwarf? New Zealand of course! Cheers from the UK guys (and what’s that obsession with those stunty birds?). Anyhow, the people of Kiwihammer made the effort to plough through the White Dwarf, battle report and all, and give a run-down of the […]

GW’s Warhammer Dark Elves Teaser Trailer


This has to be a first: Games Workshop puts up the teaser trailer for the next Warhammer release, Dark Elves, before pictures of any kind have been leaked on the interwebs (to my knowledge). The GW secrecy-staff is clearly doing their job! #1 – Warhammer Dark Elves Teaser #2 – What Did You Expect? Of […]

Warhammer Fantasy Dark Elf Rumours

Warhammer Fantasy Dark Elves Rumours

The guys of 40K Radio have proven to be a major source of early information for the new Space Marines releases. Now they are offering up information about the next release, allegedly for October 2013 (does that contradict the “Mystery Box Rumours“?). Either way, here is their word on the Dark Elves. If they are […]