The Dwarf Gyrobomber – 2nd White Dwarf February 2014

White Dwarf Gyrobomber

Welcome to the second week of Games Workshops all-new weekly White Dwarf + Weekly Miniatures release schedule. Obviously enough, the second week of the month sees releases that add to the ones unveiled last week – Warhammer Fantasy Dwarfs. For all intents and purposes, Games Workshop still revolve around 1-army-per-month, just staggered over the different […]

5 Golden Demon-Winning Dwarfs

Golden Demon Winning Dwarf Slayer

The Dwarfs are coming back to Warhammer! Reason enough to see how the most talented hobbyists of the past have interpreted the vertically challenged grudge-bearers of Warhammer Fantasy. A selection of Dwarfs from past Golden Demons! Enjoy! #1 – Dwarf Quarrelers by Jesse Hodges Is it just me, or did Dwarfs seem smaller back in […]

The New February 2014 White Dwarf

New White Dwarf Review

When I picked up the January 2014 White Dwarf, I had no idea it would be the last of its kind. Now, just four weeks later, the new, slimmer, weekly White Dwarf is here. The editorial team purged most of the picture-stuffing and shifted it into the monthly Warhammer Visions companion magazine. What’s left in […]

Warhammer Visions & White Dwarf Weekly Cover Preview

New White Dwarf

White Dwarf – as we’ve known it for the past … well … 15 months or so, is dead. Long live White Dwarf Weekly & Warhammer Visions! A poster advertising the new magazines has made the rounds (specifically on Dakka). Have a look! Update: Black Library gives a preview of the White Dwarf cover.. #1 […]

Rumours of Warhammer Fantasy Dwarves, an Expansions & 9th Edition

Warhammer Fantasy 9th Edition Rumours

I hope everyone had a great hobby weekend! Here’s a brief Monday morning update on some of the Warhammer Fantasy rumours that were floating around this weekend (and before). Talks of a Warhammer Expansion, an update for Dwarves that – if these rumours are to be believed – will rival the massive two-month overhaul for […]