Admittedly, it’s been a while since I’ve written anything about Warmachine – possibly the last time Privateer released the Convergence of Cyriss faction. Well, that time has come again, Privateer unveiled another new faction for Warmachine – the sadistic Cephalyx!
#1 – Cephalyx Faction Video
Being the Warmachine-newb I am, I’ll hand over to Privateer to present their latest!
However, the first few minutes of the video are semi-creepy. You’ve been warned!
#2 – Warmachine Cephalyx Images
#3 – Thoughts?
As much as I know that Games Workshop didn’t invent this kind of Frankenstein’s Monster-visuals, it does remind me a lot of Games Workshops Dark Eldar Haemunculi, their chirurgeon-appendages growing from the back and their Wracks and Grotesque minions.
It may be my GW-bias speaking, but that’s the way it is.
That said, they do look like good miniatures for that kind of miniatures. Better than Finecast Grotesques for sure.
What do you think about Privateer Press’s latest offering?