Today, Games Workshop opened pre-orders for the digital edition of their second-ever Codex Supplement: Codex Farsight Enclaves.
I am still somewhat puzzled by the idea of “pre-ordering” a digital book, and a bit disappointed by the lack of a paper version. The art-previews look rather good. Rumours have it, a hardback version of the Farsight Codex may be in the works some weeks (or even months) down the line. This may or may not depend on the success of this digital release?
Another interesting rumour originating from Warseer (I believe) is that Chaos Space Marines may see a supplement for the Black Legion (over and above the Crusade of Fire campaign book).
Codex Supplement: Farsight Enclaves

Here is the official description from the Farsight Supplement on iTunes.
Commander Farsight was once hailed by every Tau caste as a genius warrior-leader without compare. As his career blazed a bloody path across the Damocles Gulf and back again, O’Shovah split away from the Tau Empire, doggedly pursuing the Orks that had killed so many of his Fire caste comrades. It was the first overt sign of a rebellion that was to change the course of Tau history. Embittered and vengeful, Commander O’Shovah formed the planetary systems known as the Farsight Enclaves. Out on the fringes of Tau space, O’Shovah’s battlesuit-led armies were to encounter not only Ork warlords, but also the biological horrors of the Tyranid race and a Warp-spawned foe so terrible it redefined reality.
About this Book:
Farsight Enclaves is a digital supplement to Codex: Tau Empire that features rich and expanded background on this breakaway faction, original art, and the story of the Enclaves’ charismatic leader Commander Farsight.Also included are new missions and rules to use with your Tau Empire collection in games of Warhammer 40,000, so you can re-enact the great victories of the Enclaves, and lead commander Farsight’s elite battlesuit cadres to glory.
The last part shows that new rules will be included. However, ss with the Iyanden Supplement, the emphasis clearly is on the missions and the ability to “re-enact” the various battles that helped shape the Farsight Enclaves as a distinct sub-faction of the Tau.
Those buying this supplement first and foremost “for the rules” will likely (again) be disappointed.
Are The Black Legion Next?
As Codex Supplements are getting into their own, it’s only prudent to assume that there will be more. A (more or less) fresh rumour has it there will be a Black Legion Codex Supplement to the Chaos Space Marines Codex.
Whether or not those whispers have any truth to them, many people seem confused by the choice of the Black Legion over a more exotic sub-faction of the Chaos Space Marines, which would offer more scope for new units, new rules, new play-styles, etc.. .
I think Black Legion is fairly plausible, more so than… say… Thousand Sons, precisely because it doesn’t require much differentiation in rules from the standard Chaos Space Marines Codex.
Games Workshop’s emphasis with these supplements appear to be the narrative/historic missions that allow players to “re-enact” iconic events from the Warhammer 40K history, not to offer alternative rules for exotic factions.
A Black Legion supplement with a string of missions allowing players to “re-enact”, say, (parts of) a Black Crusade would certainly fit the format pioneered by Iyanden Codex like a T.
Moreover, Aaron Dembski-Bowden has been known to tweet about his thoughts about launching some form of “non-Horus-Heresy” Black Legion trilogy. Maybe Games Workshop will try to go for a “double-splash” there in marketing new Black Legion products.
Farsight Enclaves to be arriving on your iPad/Android/etc.. soon (and possibly in your bookshelf later). Whispers of the Black Legion.
Codex Supplements are clearly here to stay, even though it seems Games Workshop is still experimenting with the “digital-vs.-hardcopy” format. If the paper-version don’t sell all that well (after the first excitement has worn off), I can see these books heading towards a “digital-only” format quickly. Would that diminish their popularity? Or boost Games Workshop’s digital range?
Let me know what you think!