Dataslate: Tyrannic War Veterans Available for Pre-Order

No respite!

The new Tyranid Codex was literally released today. Yet for those who already crave more, Games Workshop put the new Dataslate: Tyrannic War Veterans up for pre-order.

#1 – Dataslate: Tyrannic War Veterans

Dataslate Tyrannic War Veterans
Tyrannic War Veterans Dataslate


The Tyrannic War Veterans are a legendary Space Marines formation. They are a specialist strike force led by Chaplain Ortan Cassius, the Ultramarines’ Master of Sanctity. The Tyrannic War Veterans were forged out of an infamous event in the Ultramarines’ history known as the First Tyrannic War. Comprised of hardened veterans, each of whom is highly skilled in warfare against Tyranids, their powerful, disciplined strikes against numerous hive fleets have saved many worlds from destruction, often in the face of impossible odds.

About the Book:

This Dataslate contains the origins and development of the Tyrannic War Veterans, and explores some of their more recent missions. It also contains the full rules for fielding the Tyrannic War Veterans formation in your games of Warhammer 40,000.

If this dataslate follows the trend of the pre-Christmas dataslates, it will presumably allow players to drop Chaplain Cassius, a unit of Veteran Ultramarines and a handful of Stormtalon Gunships into pretty much every (imperial) army going up against Tyranids (and likely everyone else too).

#2 – Thoughts?

Once again, these are coming slightly too fast for my liking. I feel like I haven’t had time with the Tyranid Codex first (well… I didn’t). Given that these are on the “opposite side”, however, it’s a possibly flavourful addition to any group playing with Tyranids.

What do you think? Would you be interested in digital extras (instead or on top of the Tyranid Codex) to get the the “full” gaming experience? Leave a comment!




I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Hopeless painter and founder of Pins of War. I hope you enjoyed this article. Don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at
The Crimson Slaughter Supplement - A Review #40k #wargaming - 14 hours ago
  • Guest

    I will happily pirate it if there is any fluff to be had, but I would never lay out money for something with no more content than a White Dwarf article.

    • Zweischneid

      You’ve been laying out money for White Dwarf articles then?

      I’ll have to advise against piracy, of course. If it’s free fluff you want, just read Lexicanum!!

      • Guest

        I WAS buying entire issues of White Dwarf, and quite faithfully for many years I might add, but that part of my life is over.

  • Yggdrasil

    Do you know if there is only 1 Dataslate included, like for non-Ultramarines SM armies ? I mean, there MIGHT be other chapters with Tyrannic War Veterans, after all… So I would have liked a “generic” dataslate for them…

    • Zweischneid

      I don’t know, but I doubt it.

      Cassius is the iconic face for Tyranid War Veterans. After all, the unit in the actually 4th Edition Space Marines Codex was called “Ultramarine Tyranid War Veterans”, before they were changed into more generic “Sternguard Veterans”. Things like “Kraken-rounds” still hint at their origins

      It’s going a bit in circles. Tyranid War Veterans were one of the things that made Ultramarines unique, then they took it away to give everyone “Sternguard”, now they are back with a data-sheet.

      I guess your generic Tyranid War Veterans would be Sternguard, more or less.

      • Yggdrasil

        Well, I guess you’re right ! It’s just that I would have liked some of my Sternguards to have some extra fluffy rules (even if none of my friends play Nids) !

        But hey, maybe it’ll coerce me into buying Cassius ?

        (Side question : are the Tyrannic War Veterans models still available for sale ? Were they re-released in FC ?)

        • Zweischneid

          Yeah. They are still on the site:

          • Yggdrasil

            Oh great ! I love the grenade-hurling Marine ! I might REALLY get tempted after all ;)