Death Guard Grave Warden Terminators by Forge World

Death Guard Forge World Terminators

Forge World is heading into Christmas-Week with a new set of Death Guard Terminators… Grave Wardens.

No scythes on these. To be honest, they look a bit like … well … Terminators. Little tubes on the back hint at future Nurgly-glory, but they don’t really show it off yet, like they do in 40K.

Forge World Grave Warden Terminators

Grave Warden Terminators

Alone among the Legiones Astartes, the Death Guard make free and frequent use of alchemical weapons. These are deployed by specialised units outfitted in modified Cataphractii Terminator Armour; the Grave Wardens being the most renowned and feared of these harbingers of death.

Grave Warden Terminators Unpainted


They are undeniably nice miniatures, though they don’t make me go “wow” like some of the best Horus Heresy miniatures. Though with Typhus/Typhon in (it seems) in the making, Heresy Death Guard is having quite a bit of variety of miniatures available from Forge World.

Five Grave Warden go for £45.00.

Leave a comment and let me know what you think!




I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Hopeless painter and founder of Pins of War. I hope you enjoyed this article. Don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at


@Thee_Other_Matt @DaSkwire Ok. Three times, really quickly. No cheating ;) - 2 days ago
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  • Ruska

    I’m actually a fan of this in-between look – not full blown Nurgle, but not “standard”. Granted, most of the Chaos Space Marines models look look tacky to me. I prefer more subtle variations rather than gigantic pustules and crazy aberrations, but then my imaginary CSM lists have always been based on a renegade/traitor theme without giving over fully to the dark gods.

    • Hive Senteniel

      Well I totally understand you’re picture of a more renegade-like army, but I think one of the things about Chaos is it’s horrible and realism doesn’t really exist in the Warp. So the big Chaos Marine Armies are overly noticeable to show how corrupted and mutated they are by the Ruinous Powers, and it further separates them from the loyal Marines and the less chaos oriented renegade marines you speak of. But that’s just my thoughts on it though :)

      • Ruska

        Oh I totally understand, and I would wager that most CSM players don’t want to have their army be “space marines, but spiky”. I just meant that I the renegade look appeals more to my personal tastes.I’m actually trying to think of why that is. I like the Dark Eldar look, which can be very gruesome. I also appreciate the look of Tyranids, which is pretty alien. Maybe it’s just the surrealism that seems out of place to me, as the only army that I don’t like the look of as a whole is Daemons (although there are some daemon models that I think are totally awesome).

        • Hive Senteniel

          Oh Ya, I completely understand what you mean Daemons (and Chaos as a whole) are unusual from the others armies (inter-dimensional warp thingies tend to do that lol) whereas the rest of the 40k universe is pretty grounded in realism (or as real as sci-fi/fantasy anyhow) so I could easily see where warp spawned (dare I say magical) creatures seem totally outta place. I’m a Tyranid player and even I think they’re weird little guys :P