DreadBall Xtreme – Convicts Team

Mantic Games DreadBall Extreme Convicts

Mantic Games’ second Kickstarter for DreadBall, specifically the gritty and Xtreme Season 4 of DreadBall, is (presumably) creeping ever closer. A little teaser-picture of one of the teams, the Convicts (possibly just the temporary internet title) have appeared online.

#1 – The Convicts

The guy (presumably guard?) in the back is a bit strange. I assume he’s an alien convict, not a human, but the other sculpts look fun.

There are no less than 3 very different non-Guard sculpts (not counting the poor prone-marker clawing at his collar) in this picture, so one (or more) is either an “MvP” …  or could there be more to DreadBall Xtreme than the Striker-Jack-Guard trinity of DreadBall Seasons 1-3?

#2 – Thoughts?

Let me know what you think!




I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Hopeless painter and founder of Pins of War. I hope you enjoyed this article. Don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at www.pinsofwar.net.


@Thee_Other_Matt @DaSkwire Ok. Three times, really quickly. No cheating ;) - 2 days ago
Follow @pinsofwar


  • Orlando_the_Technicoloured

    I’d go with the man & woman both being strikers based on the claw-glove, the big dude as you say being a guard and the two in hand made armour being jacks (the very blurred one of the two does look a bit non human to me)

  • Mike Earley

    It looks fun, for sure. It’s amazing how much content they are pouring out for the game. Very exciting!

  • Bill C

    The purple ones in the back did they have designations?

  • Az

    Or they could be just alternate sculpts for the same possitions.

  • http://pinsofwar.net/ Zweischneid

    Trailer is up


    • Denny Crane

      mh, this is really only a small teaser, just the 3 covers of the rulebook :-)
      I just saw the MantiCorp Showbeaters at my local Hobbystore…..Not the best package to attract the KS from my point of view.Strange Big Head Anatomy :-/
      I will follow the KS closly, but Mantic has to show more than some artworks to get my money, the quality between artwork and real miniature is sometimes too different.
      At Deadzone they did a good job with most miniatures, I hope they can repeat at least that level.