Dwarven Forge is Back – Kickstarter Madness

Dwarven Forge Kickstarter

Here I am, blogging about miniature gaming and related Kickstarter for .. I don’t know … two years maybe? And still I am surprised at what goes and what doesn’t go on Kickstarter.com.

#1 – The Kickstarter-Magic of Dwarven Forge

One of the things that obviously kickstarted like hotcakes last year was the deceptively simple Dwarven Forge Kickstarter, which raised nearly 2 Million dollars (the Kingdom Death & Zombicide 2 weight division) with simple modular dungeon tiles, more useful (arguably) for the D&D crowd than Warhammer fans.

Now, as of today, Dwarven Forge is back with .. rather predictably .. a variant for their first success, modular cavern tiles.

  • The campaign hit its US$ 100.000,- goal in 9 minutes.
  • The campaign broke US$ 500.000,- (yes, half a Million dollars) in around 8 hours!

All of that, for half a dozen different pieces of cave-terrain. Very nice-looking, very modular, very well-made, very indestructible terrain, I admit, but still!

#2 – Thoughts?

Don’t get me wrong. This looks like a great product, and Dwarven Forge deserve every last dollar they get. It’s not the value or quality of their product that puzzles me, but the sheer demand there seems to be for those tiles (and that apparently nobody ever noticed).

Admittedly, I am not that much into fantasy dungeons… but if they’d ever do a Space Hulk-themed set of those! Holy mother of God!

Let me know what you think!


The Dwaven Forge Kickstarter will be funded on Wednesday, April 9, 2014.


I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Hopeless painter and founder of Pins of War. I hope you enjoyed this article. Don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at www.pinsofwar.net.


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  • derekkinsman

    I like these tiles. It’s great for people that don’t have the ability to do their own Hirst Arts moulds. But when the $75 pledge (1 set of tiles) costs an additional $50 to ship it outside the US I can’t see how this appeals to anyone who isn’t within the USA. I almost got in on their first Kickstarter as well, until I realised how much the shipping was. One of their stretch goals should’ve been free shipping.

  • Will Kenedy

    They did originally have some space corridors and bits, but they were perennially out of stock.
    I managed to grab TWO different sets from my FLGS before they moved shop (marked down to clear them).
    It’s not even enough to do a third of a table. I’d give my neighbour’s children for more.