Forge World’s Imperial Armour Volume Twelve: The Fall of Orpheus pitches, among other things, the Minotaurs Space Marines Chapter against Necrons. I haven’t read the book, but apparently it includes a named Contemptor from the Minotaurs Chapter: Hecaton Aiakos.
Now, Forge World released the miniature for this named Contemptor.
Greek-themed Space Marines at their finest.
Hecaton Aiakos Painted
Hecaton Aiakos Unpainted
I am not usually a bit fan of Contemptors, but it works rather well for this antiquity-themed Minotaurs Dread. Love the shoulder-shield.
Let me know what you think!
Warhammer 40K Forgeworld Tyranid Barbed Hierodule

Warhammer 40k: Chaos Space Marine Dreadnought (Painted Forgeworld Model)